His demon rolled his eyes at him and started to recite everything he’d done since George had moved in with them—sort of.

It took five minutes and Scott’s stomach was rocking and rolling like he was cast out to sea on a tiny bit of wood, trying to keep his balance. Hewasfussing, oh, to the demon gods.

Shoulders sagging, he trudged into Christa’s office—or Luka’s, or was it Merihem’s again, since Christa had disappeared without a word—a file that contained the new contracts he’d typed up ready for a signature from Merihem. The other demon had come in because of Christa’s lack of appearance, not that anyone seemed too concerned, so Scott kept his thoughts and questions to himself. He had enough on his plate if he was as bad as his demon side believed.

Was that why George had been late the day before? Was he needing more time away from Scott and his fussy nature?

“Why do you look so glum?” Merihem was alone, Luka having left to go and visit a band across town an hour ago. “You found your blissful one, you should be on cloud nine.”

He sounded so smug and looked so happy, Scott scowled at his boss. “I am,” he snapped, totally out of character.

Merihem’s gaze narrowed on him, and he blushed, realizing how he sounded. “Sorry. I have a lot on my mind.”

“So it would seem.” Merihem pointed to the seat in front of the large desk he was sitting behind. “Sit.”

Scott wanted to object, knowing that George would arrive soon, if he wasn’t late again. He’d happily stand outside in the rainand wait so as not to inconvenience his mate. Except, this was his boss, and Scott was nothing if not a professional—if he discounted the one moment of snappiness.

When he had taken the seat, Merihem gave him a careful look. “You aren’t happy.” It wasn’t a question, more an observation, one Scott didn’t feel the need to answer. “Has this got anything to do with your family?”

Scott jerked upright.

What had Merihem heard?

Being Controller for the demon and human realm, he suspected there was little Merihem didn’t know. “What have you heard?” he asked, sounding choked.

Had his family done as they said they would and gone to the king?

Not that the king could do anything to change his status. Could he? The thought dug right in, and Scott’s panic at not being everything he should be was there, waiting to emerge. Did Merihem have instructions on how to deal with the issue? Was that why he’d come to the office today?

Stop being foolish. Merihem works here.

Did the rational comment help? Did it hell! How could it, when Scott was terrified of losing what he held most precious over everything—George?

“Your family is well known in the demon realm for their… views on certain things.”

That was the polite way of saying they were snobbish assholes. Scott didn’t need Merihem to tell him, but had they been to see the king? “Have they been to see the king?”

Merihem, who up to this point had looked amused, now gave him a look that was indeterminate. “Not that I am aware. Why would they want to speak to the king?”

Scott debated for a few seconds, staring at Merihem. The other demon wasn’t someone he’d ever have considered confiding in. Except, with Dakata in the forest, what choice did he have? It wasn’t like he had any friends, and George wasn’t an option. “My parents aren’t happy that I have a blissful one who is a bear.”

“So, it’s none of their damn business. Fate chose George for you as a perfect match.”

The second the words left Merihem’s mouth, and they sank in, Scott was up and pacing. “You see, that’s it, right there. How can we be perfect for each other when I can’t seem to make my blissful one happy with my…” he blushed to his roots, but kept going and avoided looking at Merihem using his demon’s word, “fussing.”

Merihem didn’t laugh, and that helped when he came forward, resting his elbows on the desk. “Fussing? You might need to explain that a bit more.”

Scott continued to pace. “My childhood gave me a few issues with control.”A few!

Will you leave me to have my personal breakdown over here alone? No one needs comments from the peanut gallery!

“You mean your anal tendencies with having everything orderly?”

“Anal?” he fired back indignantly, “I’m not anal.”

You are.

Merihem rose and walked to the office door. “Come with me.”