When he reached Scott’s nipple, it was a hard bud begging for touch. George’s hot breath teased the bud, and Scott moaned and pushed up, desperate to feel the talented mouth.

“Look how beautiful you are,” he rasped and sucked the nipple between his lips. Scott felt the pull all the way to his cock as George’s cheeks hollowed.

“Ughh,” Scott cried out when George pinched the other bud and rolled it between his fingers. His cock bucked and leaked between his legs untouched, the need an ache deep in his gut.

“That’s it. Just focus on me. On what you’re feeling.”

The place could have been attacked by a horde of raging demons all screaming at the top of their lungs, and Scott wouldn’t have noticed when those talented lips sealed once more around his tight bud and sucked. The ache grew inside him and the feelings intensified with each touch, tug, nip, and suck. George had done no more than touch him from lips to nipples. It was madness and delight rolled into one. He didn’t want to move despite how desperate he was to come because he never wanted this to end. He’d die a happy demon right here, never moving from this one spot if George kept doing what he was doing.

George’s chuckle brushed his skin. “Let’s hope there’s no dying for some time. I haven’t nearly started to explore this delicious body. And I’m more than happy to play with your body.”

He clearly had read all of Scott’s thoughts and his demon was lying back on a damn couch and once more fanning himself at their blissful one’s sentiment.

One, it seemed, he wanted to prove as he moved from nipple to nipple, touching, biting, licking, watching each and everyreaction Scott had as he hovered over him, his own cock as hard and aroused as Scott’s, yet he didn’t rush.

On and on, George treasured Scott until he was a gibbering mess on the verge of coming. “I need to come,” he begged, just needing something but unsure of what, he was so out of it.

George’s mouth released his nipple, and on all fours, he moved back, trailing kisses down Scott’s quivering stomach muscles until it was there by the head of his sticky cock. Scott struggled to open his eyes to watch as George gave him an enticing smile full of wickedness before his lips parted wide, and he swallowed Scott down to the root. Moist heat surrounded his shaft, and then George hallowed his cheeks, sucking.

“Argghhhhhhhh,” Scott screamed when his balls pulled tight, and then they off-loaded in a violent torrent of cum down George’s willing throat. White clouded his vision before his eyes slammed shut, and his body bowed at the next tug from the deep suction.

He scented George’s seed and groaned anew, his balls aching as his cock throbbed, releasing the last of his cum. George’s mouth relaxed, and he lapped Scott’s cock clean. Soft kitten licks as he finally stretched out at the side of him.

He drifted on the dreaminess for some time before he heard George’s stomach growl and gurgle.

Food, they needed food. The problem was Scott’s limbs were more liquid than bone from…

The nipple fucking we just got.

What?Scott choked back, feeling his nipples tingle at his demon’s accurate description.

We need to get him to do that again.

Stop being so greedy.

Am not.

Are, too.

“You two are cute, but I could do with a burger before I,” George lifted his head up to glance up at Scott, a light in his eyes Scott’s demon groaned at—the light of promise—“nipple fuck you again.”

Scott grabbed one of the pillows on the bed and buried his face in it, hiding his pink cheeks.

The bed shifted, then the pillow got tugged away, and all Scott could scent was his cum on George’s breath as he came nose to nose with him. His dark gaze held Scott’s. “I’ll give you whatever you want, my pretty demon, never worry about that.” He kissed him again, and Scott forgot all about being embarrassed. In fact, Scott pretty much forgot about everything.

Two hours later, Scott licked the tomato juice that had leaked out of the burger bun—they had delivered and he’d just finished—off his fingers.

It might have taken another hour to get out of bed after his demon side wanted to appear and get George to play with his nipples, too. Explaining that they were one, and the same had not worked, and George didn’t seem to have an issue with it, so Scott was trying not to think too hard about it.

Now that he’d filled his belly, his gaze moved beyond the kitchen counter they sat at. He was no longer distracted, and the worries wanted to take a bite out of his relaxed state.

Don’t you even think about cleaning. I mean it.

It has to be done, and you don’t enjoy doing it,he argued back.

Who the hell enjoys cleaning?

He went to get up and George lay a hand on his arm, the other held his third burger.