“We can do whatever your bear wants,” answered his demon side before Scott could form his own reply.

I would have said yes.

I was just making sure of it.

Scott resisted rolling his eyes at his demon, not wanting George to get the wrong impression.

“Your demon side has a very sexy voice.”

See, I’m his favorite.

He can’t have favorite’s, you idiot, as we are basically one.

I’m not anal retentive, and I take offense at you suggesting I would ever be like you!He shuddered hard enough that Scott had to hold on to the parcel in his hand.

“Please don’t encourage him,” Scott begged, keeping hold of George’s hand to head to the door, realizing the argument could continue for some time and then he’d get chastised for being late by his mother. Something he did not wish to subject his blissful one to, when she could resemble a harpy. “He’s bad enough without believing you favor him over me.”

George pulled Scott to a halt before he could tuck the parcel under his arm and open the door. “You’re our mate, it’s that simple.”

Scott felt his demon's conflict as his cheeks ached from the grin he got, thanks to the sincerity and pride coming from their blissful one. He came forward and kissed him softly. “It is, blissful one.”

The door in front of them opened, and Scott’s groan was all inside his mind as he reluctantly pulled away, already knowing who was watching them by the scent of his father’s cloying aftershave. He glanced sideways. “Father.”

“I thought I heard voices. What are you doing in the storeroom?”

His snooty tone made Scott stiffen. “It was once my bedroom, if you recall.” He looked at George, working to keep his embarrassment in check. “George, this is my father, Randal.”

Father barely allowed his gaze to shift in George’s direction, the slight was impossible to ignore.

“Nice to meet you,” George said politely, offering his hand.

When his father hesitated, Scott stiffened further, his back aching with tension, and he’d barely been in the house a minute or more. “Father!” he snapped, “George is my blissful one.” The latter, he said with great joy.

“What!” The disbelief was easy to read as he finally looked fully at George, mouth agape, eyes bulging out of their sockets.

Scott’s demon bristled at the condescending look, and Scott had to work to keep from shifting.

We aren’t starting a fight, do you hear me?

How could I not when you’re bellowing at me?

Was I?

You are. It’s alright, hon.

Oh bugger, he was, and now George had heard him, too.It’s not alright at all. I will not let them treat you the same as they treat me. I won’t.

His parents dressed and preferred to stay in their human form, Scott had no recollection of seeing his father’s demon in years. They had the lord of the manner act down to a tee. This was mostly why Scott had so much conflict over the two halves of himself.

The click of heels made Scott’s anxiety coil tighter, and he groaned internally at who was coming.

George ran a reassuring hand down his back and brought him closer as Scott’s mother appeared in the doorway, wearing a pinched look of disdain as she glanced into the room. “Why are we standing around in the storeroom? Dinner is about to be served. You know I can’t abide lateness, Scott. It’s so like you to act with no consideration for your family.”

She never so much as acknowledged George, further insulting Scott. He had a thick skin, one he had developed over the decades because of their behavior towards him. He had no such thickness when it came to George. “Mother, I’d like to introduce you to George, my blissful one,” he gritted out, forcing his lips into a tight smile.

“There’s that damn thing again. Blissful one, what nonsense is this? He’s clearly not a demon.” His father’s long, pointy nose wrinkled when he came forward by half an inch—like he might catch something if he stepped closer—and sniffed the air. “He’s a bear!”

“He’s my bear.” The snap to his tone would have flayed skin from bone at the insult no one in a mile radius would miss. “The demon gods blessed me with a blissful one, and all you can say is he’s a bear? What happened tocongratulations, son? Or is that too much to ask?” he asked sarcastically, fighting his demon every inch from shifting.