The head of his cock rubbed pre-cum against his hole where the lube George had used to stretch him remained. The pressure of the wide head breaching him made everything narrow down to his blissful one. Powerful arms bulged under Scott’s weight, and a fine layer of sweat made his bear’s skin glow. His features were taut with the effort and the time he gave Scott to adjust to the huge cock splitting him in half in the best possible way.
His cock dripped onto George with every inch that slid into him. When Scott’s knees touched the covers, he was gasping for breath and ready to blow his load once more.
Work roughened fingers stroked up his sides once Scott settled atop George, their gazes locked. The scent of sex thickened the air in the room. A long moan escaped when George rose up, shifting the cock in his ass.
“Fuck, you’re so big.”
A smile more wicked than before creased the bear’s cheeks. “I’m thinking just the right size for my mate.”
Scott shuddered at the possessive tone. He clenched his ass and ground down until it tore a moan from George. He came closer, his hot breath on Scott’s throat, so he tilted his head back in offering, moving his hips in a slow roll.
At the feel of teeth grazing the base of his neck, Scott shivered, pushing closer.
“Mine,” George uttered against his flesh. Teeth sank in deep, and Scott’s whole body locked tight. His ass clenched down so hard he was sure that he’d have an imprint of his blissful one’s cock permanently inside him.
His eyelids fluttered closed at the spiraling tendrils of desire he became embraced by. They stroked his skin, flowing freely through him, over him. His heart raced to catch up when George slipped a hand between them, taking hold of his cock and stroking his shaft firmly. His wrist twisted the head, and Scott’s balls ached with the need to come.
George sucked on his neck, drinking his blood, and Scott lost his goddamn mind. They now belonged to each other. Never had he hoped to make such a connection after being shunned by many, but his heart now belonged to his honey bear. As the thought registered, cum splattered George’s upper body. Scott didn’t see it, but there was no way the man crowding him could escape when Scott’s demon was moaning like a ten-dollar hooker at the sight of their blissful one covered in their cum. The thick scent of sex hung between them.
The teeth had barely left his skin before Scott and his demon half were reaching up to clasp George’s shoulders. “Our turn,” his demon said before Scott could utter a word. It wasn’t their way, a touch was all that was needed to form the bond. Right in that moment, it meant nothing when they wanted their blissful one to wear their mark.
George exposed his throat. “Bite me,” he demanded in a throaty growl.
Scott’s cock gave made a valiant attempt to give more to his blissful one while he struck true. Blood filled his mouth, and he groaned low and needy in his throat as he swallowed, and he felt the cock in his ass thicken, making it hard to move, as cum pulsed deep in his ass.
I’ve been claimed by my blissful one!
His demon lay back and fanned himself.Why yes, we have. When can we do that again?
Chapter Eight
It didn’t take my mate long to revert to his default settings the demon side warned about.Sitting across from him at his small kitchen table, George could see Scott’s fingers were already twitching as if he wanted to straighten out George’s things.There had been one brief moment when the two men first woke up, where Scott’s hair was mussed in the most delicious fashion, and he was squirming in George’s arms trying to almost disappear under his skin as they’d kissed and rocked together, where George felt in tune with his mate.
But the moment they’d climaxed, and George murmured something about breakfast, it was like someone had flipped a switch. The officious Scott, who George had first seen at the hospital, was back, and so were George’s insecurities that had him fleeing the hospital in the first place.
Now, dressed in another smart suit that reinforced George’s belief that demons could be clothed with a snap of their fingers in either form, his hair immaculate, his phone on the table beside his now empty plate, and a laptop open, it was as if Scott had built a wall between himself and the comfortable messiness of George’s home and even George himself.
We need to address this now. Our mate’s not comfortable in our space.George’s bear didn’t understand why, and George could feel the hint of sadness in his bear’s concerns. George had set up his house as his safe space, one where he was the most comfortable. Just as he was trying to think how to broach the subject, Scott broke their silence first.
“I failed you yesterday.”
George double blinked. “You came to find me in the forest. How was that a failure? Are you regretting your decision?”
There was a pause, and then Scott shook his head. “Not at all,” he said quietly. “Back at the hospital, you asked me to help you find out about the paramedic who drugged you, preventing your shift. I was… unsuccessful.” He was looking down at his laptop keys as if they held the answer to life.
“I can find out in other ways. Request to see my records, something like that.” To be honest, George had forgotten he’d even asked Scott in the first place. “It was probably wrong of me to ask you.”Especially considering I was just making excuses for you to leave.“Don’t worry about it.”
“But I do.” The concern in Scott’s eyes struck George as his mate looked up at him. “You seemed genuinely worried that someone was out to get you. It’s my job…” Scott snapped his mouth shut and shook his head. “Sorry. My demon reminded me that bears are very protective and don’t like to be perceived as weak or needing to be looked after. What I meant to say is that as you are my blissful one, I’m concerned if you have people after you. Can you tell me more about it?”
“Perceived as weak? Is that what you think of me?” George pinched the top of his nose and then rubbed between his eyes as he wrestled any inappropriate response he didn’t want to fire back. “I… I have a family… not that I ever have anything to do with them anymore. But I have a family who think… who thought… Damn it all to hell, I don’t like sharing something like this.”
“Understood. Fine.” The tone suggested Scott was anything but fine, and George winced as he caught the pain his words caused through their bond. Scott tapped his laptop. “Just answer methis, then, my blissful one. Why is there no reference to George Maybank anywhere online? Who are you really?”
Shit.“I paid a lot of money for all references to George Maybank to be wiped from companies that hold their data online,” George said stiffly. “I am George Maybank. I legally changed my name about ten years ago, just before I moved here. My original name is unimportant, but suffice to say…” George sighed.
How the hell do I put this?