“I was joking,” George said after the silence went on for too long.
Scott was at a loss and flapped the hand holding the shirt around like he was trying to draw a bull to him. He found he couldn’t look away from the intriguing man licking at full lips the bushy beard didn’t conceal. Would it tickle his skin? “I don’t mind if you like to bite,” he blurted out, needing to say something.
So lame.What are you playing at?
Who the hell knows?he exclaimed, feeling completely out of sorts and unsure if letting his demon back out was the best course of action.
“Erm, right, yeah.”
Was that a yes he liked to bite?
Quit with that and just get naked so we can—
Honestly, we need to get to know our blissful one.
That hard cock trying to escape those pressed pants says differently. I had him right where we wanted him, and you’re ruining it.
“Can I have a cup of tea?” Scott felt his demon roll his eyes before he groaned.
“Right, a drink.” George’s brows rose, and his nose wrinkled. “Let’s go through to the kitchen.” He pointed down the small hallway to an open door, and Scott was back to staring at themagnificent chest he itched to touch. Scott tugged on his shirt collar, which felt way too tight around his neck.
Back to blushing, he seriously considered that he had no option but to let his demon out. He at least wasn’t a total moron when it came to…wooing our honey bear.
He followed behind George, doing his best to keep his gaze from roaming down to the ass that his pants fitted snuggly.That was not where I was going with that, and you know it.
Let me out.
No.With how his demon was so focused on the naked parts of their bear, they would be naked before he could consider his next move.
You are, too.
Scott didn’t feel his demon warranted an answer. It made sense to the rational side of him that he should be the one to remain in control. The last thing Scott wanted was to frighten off their bear again. He’d run before.
Scott eyed George, unsure of his moves. The bear had beautiful eyes. Should he say that? Would that encourage him to make the first move?
He had never been the demon who chased after a guy for sex. He didn’t enjoy being the aggressor. Being a demon, many made the wrong assumption about him. Would Fate have given him…
“Do you like honey in your tea?” George asked, breaking Scott out of his head.
Having come to a stop in a large, open-plan living space, Scott noticed how a cluttered counter split the room in two. The word ‘den’ suited the room. Pillows, cushions, and fleecy looking throws covered the furniture that was large enough to make sitting in either of his blissful one’s forms easy. It looked like a great place to snuggle with a view of the large screen TV on one wall or the windows that overlooked what appeared to be a closed in garden. Homely sprang to mind once more. Scott’s childhood home had been sterile. No knick-knacks or trinkets. George had plenty, and though they didn’t appear in any kind of order, and Scott itched to make them appear more orderly, he liked the feel of the place. Unexpected.
The sound of George clearing his throat brought Scott’s gaze back to the man who was now standing, watching Scott closely. “Tea… do you, erm, want some honey in it?” he asked again.
Could he really be any more moronic? “I don’t really want tea right now…”
George took another step closer, reaching out, he took hold of the shirt in Scott’s hand. “I’m not a romancing type, I don’t have fancy words for you like I’m sure you’re used to—”
“I’m not.” Scott blushed and apologized. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have interrupted, continue.” He let go of the shirt and cringed on the inside when George tossed it onto the nearest chair. His demon was tutting dramatically.
“Me and my bear, we…”
Scott couldn’t stand it any longer and lunged forward—or it was more his demon—and planted his lips on George’s. They both groaned, and Scott couldn’t find it in him to be cross with his demon half when George tasted so good. Warm spice heated Scott’s blood, making it thrum with life. His blissful one.
Scott became lost in the kiss, starving for the affection of his blissful one, his bear.
He groaned and parted his lips in invitation. George clasped him tightly, pulling him closer. Heat, overwhelming heat, coursed through him. Despite their sizes nearly matching, George hooked his hands under Scott’s ass and hefted him up with an ease that caused Scott’s heart to flutter in his chest. The smell of the forest clung to his skin, and Scott breathed in the earthy scent, his cock bucking hard.