Naked shimmy! Can you hear yourself? And what do you mean, behave? What are you insinuating?

That your anal-retentive behavior will piss off our blissful one. He’s already insecure about how he looks and dresses. Did you listen to him at all?

Of course I did!

Then don’t go all clean freak on him. This is us getting cozy and—

I get the damn picture. Which means you need to stop being a bossy fucker and let me out.

Yeah, not so sure about that.

Do you think our honey bear wants to be having a ‘naked shimmy’ with your blue ass?It was a genuine question. They matched in size to their bear, and sex in their demon form was common practice when size wasn’t an issue. Scott had years of ridicule about the color of his demon and wasn’t comfortable showing his pale blue body, not even to his blissful one—or not yet. Even though he already had.

Didn’t you see he wrapped his shirt around us so no one else got to see what we had to offer? He wants our blue ass for himself.

How do you know he wasn’t just hiding it so others couldn’t judge him for getting the blue reject?

A hand waved in front of their face, and they blinked at George, who had a wrinkle at the top of his nose that hadn’t been there before. “You okay? You zoned out on me. I’ve been talking to you for the past minute.”

Scott pushed his demon half aside and forcibly shifted, getting an amused look from his honey bear when he noted the suit he wore. “Sorry, we didn’t mean to be rude. I was having adiscussionwith my demon.” He kept his voice polite because he was sorry. He was showing a terrible example of poor behavior, and didn’t want his blissful one to think he was rude.

Save me now!His demon did a dramatic slump, and Scott floundered when bushy brows arched up under messy bangs. Were those twigs in his hair?

Don’t you dare start!His demon pushed to come back out and Scott felt sweat bead on his skin beneath his shirt.

“Are we gonna go into my place?”

Blushing, Scott glanced out the window, hanging on tooth and nail to his demon side to stop him from appearing. He nodded, feeling his hair fall messily around his face. This really was not how he wanted to present himself to his blissful one.

The enormous bear reached for the door handle, and a second later, bare-chested, he got out. Distracted by all the smooth, golden skin on show, Scott’s body warmed in a fashion most definitely not suitable for a sidewalk. He groaned under his breath and pushed at his cock to make sure it didn’t tent his trousers. The shirt their blissful one had given them sat under his ass.

George held the door and waited for Scott to exit. Scott felt his blush deepen as he gave George a shy smile at the gallant gesture. He exited, holding on to the shirt, keeping it in front of his slacks. He didn’t sigh aloud at how his rearranging hadn’t been successful because of his current situation, which was obvious because he washarderthan ever before.

On the street, he looked up at the small house that had several window boxes outside full of flowers. The place, though a little shabby around the edges, spoke to Scott of a home well-loved. It appealed in ways he couldn’t explain when he could smell his bear and the pretty flowers.

“This way,” George rasped and sauntered to the front door.

Scott hesitated and then ducked his head back into the car. “I’ll call you when I need you.” Clueless how long they’d…

He shut the thought down when his ass clenched at the lack of knowledge about what George would expect from him. The car door clicked shut, and Scott took a deep breath, chasing after George.

Inside, George waited for him. The place smelled much the same as outside. Flowers and bear made for a heady combination when Scott closed the door behind him. Now he had the driving need to touch George. Only he wasn’t sure how to go about that. Sex with strangers was far easier when they did it clothed and in a dark space, no one could see him.

“It’s not much, but it’s home,” he muttered, sounding defensive.

See, he’s picking up you’re not impressed.

Honestly, you know I’ve said nothing, and I wasn’t thinking about his home in that way.

You don’t need to say a damn word!

You’re making me nervous, stop it.

“Come in, I won’t bite…” he swung around, his chest rippling and catching the light from a window, “unless you want me to,” he said, chuckling.

Was that a question he should answer?

Could he be trying to break the ice? He’d seen his demon side naked, he knew what they looked like. Oh, to the demon gods, this was so hard to figure out!