“I feel you.” Christa looked out the car window. “They don’t always see that life isn’t just black and white, that decisionscome in an entire spectrum of colors that can make it hard to find the right one to fit.”

Scott stared at Christa and got the distinct impression she wasn’t actually talking to him at all. “Life can be more shades than we can fathom, yes.”

She didn’t turn to look at him as she nodded. “Absolutely true,” she murmured quietly. “Then why can’t others see that?”

Scott had no answer to that, so he reached into his suit jacket for his cell phone, only to come up empty-handed. His eyes widened. He never went anywhere without his phone! Never.

This is all your fault,he groused at his demon half.

Now you unblock me to bitch at me. Fuck you.

Well, I never!

I never… so get over yourself. You were as preoccupied as me, and with good reason.

When we find our bear you and I are going to have a serious conversation about your behavior.

The laughter was grating as the car slowed and they entered a rutted road that led to the drop-off place where Scott had traveled to see Dakata for work matters. He might not be so involved with everything, but that didn’t mean Dakata trustedMerihem or his family. Scott never mentioned the trips here. That was up to Dakata.

The engine died and Christa didn’t move from her position, giving Scott another feeling of disquiet that wasn’t connected to him or George. “Are you okay?” Scott wasn’t sure what compelled him to ask. Christa wasn’t one to talk about anything personal with him, or anyone he was aware of, with maybe the exception of Dakata.

She didn’t look at him as she reached for the door handle. “We’ll see.” On the cryptic note, she got out of the car. Shaking off his concern, Scott followed. He had bigger fish to fry.

Outside, his nose wrinkled as he inhaled, acclimatizing himself. Something he did every time because the smells were so different that he needed a moment to adjust. The familiar scents his nose filtered came with a surging demon, who roared, and Scott had no time to get hold of his demon half. Because even as he was cursing and worrying about another suit, it became just as torn as the one earlier. A pale blue demon, shredded clothes flapping around his body, his cock flapping about wildly, rampaged through the forest.

Creatures all scurried away as Scott’s demon called to their blissful one. “George, my honey bear, call to me if you can. I’m coming, and I’ll rip apart those who took you from us. I swear.”

Dear demon gods! Why did I get you?

Chapter Six


“George, my honey bear…”

“Did you hear that?” Dougal lifted his head, his grin wide. “Someone’s looking for their honey bear.”

“Wait. What?” George was still nursing his headache, although it was getting better. One of the advantages of sitting with Dougal was the man didn’t need to talk to provide company. “You think someone’s looking for me?”

“Listen for yourself.” Dougal got up. “I’m out of here. Sounds like someone’s cutie demon thinks his honey bear has been taken against his will. I’m not going to try to explain to a bear’s mate that they’re so far off the mark it’s not funny. Later.”

“But I’m not a honey bear. Dougal, where are you going?” George half got up as Dougal disappeared but then sat down with a thunk as a blue demon came running into the clearing.

“Honey bear!” Arms wide open, the demon came crashing over, catching George in a hug that was impossible to get out of. He lifted George effortlessly off his log. “Oh, my goodness. I’ve been so worried, honey bear. Who took you? Why are you here? What are you doing in this place?”

“I’m not a honey bear.” George tried pushing on the light blue shoulders, but the demon was impossible to move. “Scott, are you in there? Can you control your demon, please? You’re squishing the air out of me.”

“Goodness, yes. You’ve been hurt.” Suddenly, the demon was sitting on the same log George had been on, and George was on his lap, being petted, gently, but being petted, nonetheless. “How’s your poor head? Are you feeling okay? Should we go back to the hospital?”

“Scott? Are you in there?” George looked into the demon’s, admittedly beautiful eyes.

“Oh, Scott’s in there, don’t mind him.” The demon waved his hand, rolling his eyes. “He’s twittering on about losing another suit, but what’s a demon to do? You’re our blissful one—so much more important than a suit. Scott’s got a closet full of them.”

George’s heart sank, although his bear was in seventh heaven being coddled by their demon. “I don’t think I own a suit,” he said slowly.

“You don’t need one. Who needs suits? If you want one, we’ll get you one, but you, my lovely honey bear, are just perfect the way you are. Just look at you, with your cute beard and your lovely bushy hair.” Patting hands followed the words on his beard and hair, making George worry about what else his demon might find perfect. “Ooh, I want to squish you so badly, my big honey bear.”

“Are you sure you want to be with someone who looks like me?” George felt as if he was being squished already—between an overly enthusiastic demon and his bear who just wanted to come out and feel all that patting on his fur.