Page 35 of Shattered Fate

“No, I don’t mind.”

She smiles at me and her eyes crinkle in the corners. “You said you and the woman from the café aren’t a couple.”

“We’re not.”

Zarah starts walking again, and the dogs zoom by us playing tag.

“You looked like it. She likes touching you.”

“I guess. I didn’t notice.”

“Did you sleep with her?”

If she can ask, so can I. “Did you sleep with your date, Zarah? Did Tate bring you home, take off your clothes? Kiss you all over until you were panting his name? Did he lick you until you came?”

Her eyes grow large, and her throat works. I’m stumbling through new territory. I’ve never dated a woman who’s been a victim of sexual assault. At least, I don’t think I have. I suppose women don’t volunteer that kind of information until they need to, if at all.

“No. I want to be in love when I have sex. I want him to love me back.” She pauses. “You have sex with women you don’t love.”

I’m honest. “Sometimes.”

“Have you ever been in love?” she asks.

“Once, a long time ago.”

“What happened to her?”

“She found someone else.”


I push back a laugh. She’s trying so hard to hold a conversation, but we’re all over the map and my head is spinning.

“She didn’t like what I do for a living.”

“Stella says it’s sexy.”

“What do you think? Me chasing down bad guys. Do you think it’s sexy?” I’m teasing her, but I’m invested in her answer.

She ignores my question.

“Stella says kissing a tall man is awkward because we’re short, and it’s easier if he picks you up.”

“Yeah, that works. It’s romantic, right?” She’s wading through so much. Emotions, feelings, memories, love, and that’s only the mental part of it. Then there’s the physical. Touch. Someone holding her without the intent to harm her. Kisses and cuddles in the dark. “Did Max pick you up?”

She shakes her head. “No. Can I tell you a secret?”

“Sure. I’m good at keeping them.”

“Max was a gentleman. He was safe, and funny, and kind, and I think I might have loved him a little, but it wasn’t squishy. Does that make sense?”

Unbelievably, it did. “Yes.”


