Page 92 of Break Me Knot

My feet carry me to their bedrooms, drawn by an insatiable longing for their scents. Opening Adrian's closet releases a wave of smoked cedar that makes me groan out loud. I select his favorite Henley, the soft gray one he wears when he's relaxed at home. My fingers tremble as I lift it to my face, inhaling deeply. Slick dampens my thighs as his scent floods my system—prime alpha, protector, mine.

Zane's closet yields a well-worn hoodie that makes me whimper as dark amber and citrus zest embrace me. It still holds the warmth of his personality, that playful energy that makes me smile. From Cole's dresser, I take the training jacket that holds his pine scent so perfectly. Each item makes my omega purr louder, my body responding to their combined pheromones even intheir absence.

I weave their clothes into the nest's structure. More pieces join the collection: a soft T-shirt here, a warm sweater there. Each addition makes the nest more complete, moreours. I create specific spaces for each of them: a firmer pillow where Adrian can prop himself up, extra cushioning where Zane can sprawl, a cozy corner that will perfectly fit Cole's broader frame.

Hours slip by. Sweat dampens my neck, but I can't stop. Won't stop. I weave in strands of my own clothing too, letting my sugared lilac and vetiver scent mingle with theirs, creating our unique pack perfume. This nest isn't just for sleeping. It's for morning cuddles and midnight conversations, for healing and loving and being together.

This is something Haven forbade me to do, reflecting the full extent of their hold over me. They made me fear being the very thing I am. Made me hate instincts my body was formed upon.

I want Mercer and Hardwick to rot in hell for what they’ve done to me and what they’re still doing to other unfortunate omegas. There’s no way to know for sure how many poor souls have been sold to packs and bonded in their first heats. How many since we ran.

It’s unthinkable.

But my alphas are working toward stopping it. Finally, the hell that is Haven might end.

I work until my body thrums with satisfaction and arousal, instincts singing with pride at what I've created. My skin is electric, sensitive, eager for their touch. All that's missing now is them. My alphas. My mates. My everything.

My heart leaps at the sound of footsteps outside. I've been nestled in our new creation for hours, surrounding myself with their mingled scents, and now finally—finally!—my alphas are home. I scramble up, practically vibrating with excitement to show them what I've created, what their love has inspired.

“Adrian? Zane? Cole?” I call out, my bare feet carrying me swiftly through the apartment, but I skid to a stop just past the living room threshold, joy curdling into confusion.

The man standing in our living room is not one of my mates.

He's tall, imposing in an expertly tailored suit. Salt-and-pepper hair is slicked back off his face, and his sharp features might be considered handsome if not for the clinical gleam in his ice-blue eyes. His gaze travels down my body, like he's appraising livestock. His nostrils flare as he scents me. Wrong. So wrong. The only men I want scenting me are my alphas.

“You must be Mira. I've heard so much about you,” he says.

My throat closes up. “You have?” I can’t imagine any of my mates telling anyone about me. They know how dangerous it is.

I take a quick step back when he begins to walk toward me. He stops short and raises his hands in a sign of calm that makes no difference to the dread welling inside me. “It’s okay, Omega. I’m Elliot. The alphas’ office manager.”

“Don't call me Omega.” The words come out stronger than I feel, even as my heart hammers against my ribs.

I want him out of here. Out of this space with his wet paper scent. He reminds me of Marcus, Hardwick, Mercer, Hugo, Lars. All of them combined into one in the way he looks at me. Like I’m livestock and not a person. Elliot dips his head, but there's something performative about the gesture.

“My apologies… But Adrian sent me to collect you. They're at the precinct with Detective Asher, and they need your statement in person. They're quite concerned about you.” His tone is perfectly modulated but something in it holds me back.

“They would have messaged me,” I say, but uncertainty creeps in.

My fingers twitch for my phone to check, but it's still in the nest where I left it charging. The thought of retrieving it and letting this man anywhere near my sacred space makes bile rise in my throat.

“They said they tried calling you,” Elliot replies, his tone reasonable, concerned. “When you didn't answer, they sent me. I am their office manager. They trust me implicitly. They wouldn’t let just anyone into their penthouse.”

I hesitate, weighing his words. He knows about the detective, about the case. And he is here. That lends credibility to his story. Maybe I’m being paranoid, letting old fears cloud myjudgment.

“The detective needs to see you,” he continues, taking another step forward. “He needs your official statement. It’s time-sensitive. We shouldn't keep them waiting.”

His wet paper scent gets stronger, making me want to gag. I don't trust him, but he’d only know about me if Adrian had told him what they were doing.

I try to rationalize my fear. This is about bringing Mercer and Hardwick to justice. My alphas need me for this, and I won't let my paranoia hold back our case. The scars on my body are evidence, important evidence. I'm not just their omega to protect anymore; I'm their partner in this fight.

I nod. “Okay. I’ll go with you.”

“Excellent. Shall we?” Elliot smiles and gestures to the open elevator doors.

I press into the corner furthest from Elliot when I enter the elevator, watching our reflections in the polished metal doors. He might only be a beta but he’s still taller than I am. Twenty-three floors have never felt so long. Each floor indicator light blinks slower than the last, and I find myself counting my breaths, trying to stay calm. I focus on thoughts of my alphas, cursing myself for not bringing something with their scents with me.

Soon I'll be with my alphas. And after this… when we get back…I’m going to ask them to bond me in our nest. I want them forever and I’m pretty sure they want me for as long as that, too. The elevator dings for the parking garage, and the doors slide open.