Page 81 of Break Me Knot

“We'll give you that. And more,” he promises, and I believe him.

Adrian and Zane settle beside me with their big bodies, shielding me against the pain. Cole hovers in the doorframe, his face taut and hollow. His fingers dig into the wood as his shoulders droop. He looks infinitely sad and suddenly I don’t want him to be separate. Anything less would be incomplete, wrong. He's damaged, yes, but so am I.

I want him here. Hunger for him as desperately as I do Adrian and Zane.

With me.

With us, because…

And suddenly I understand. Not just understand with my head. The certainty is in my heart, body and soul. And it’s a fuckingrevelation.

Adrian and Zane have known about Cole's wounds all along. They've watched him carry his guilt, his self-loathing. They've loved him through it all, made space for his pain, accepted his broken pieces without trying to force him to be whole.

Just like they're doing with me.

The truth weaves through the cracks of my heart, pulling shattered pieces together into fragile wholeness. I've been so focused on keeping mysecrets, that I missed what was right in front of me. These alphas don'tneedmeperfect. They don't need me whole.

I lift my hand to trace the side of Adrian’s face. “You…you don’t try to take my broken pieces away,” I whisper, my words cracking.

Adrian smiles at me and sunshine breaks out behind metaphorical clouds. “Of course not. I would never do that to you.”

I look at Zane. At the way his gaze softens when he looks down at me. He smooths a knuckle down my cheek. “We just want you. All of you. Broken pieces and dark secrets included.”

My lips tremble before they stretch into a smile.

I've been telling myself I have to run to protect them, but... maybe that's just another way of running from myself. From the possibility of healing. From the terrifying prospect of being loved despite my damage.Becauseof my damage.

Cole shared his deepest shame with me, and in return, I shared mine. The weight of my parent’s death is different now, not lighter exactly, but shared. Understanding blooms between us, a recognition of similar souls. And Adrian and Zane... they've been waiting. Waiting for both of us to realize we don't have to carry our burdens alone.

I've been so afraid of them discovering what I am but looking at how they love Cole through his darkness, how they accept his need to punish himself while gently showing him another way... maybe they can accept my darkness, too.

Maybe running isn't the answer. Maybestayingis. Seeing Mom and Dad again, even in that little picture, is enough to remind me that I was loved. That I can accept love.

I grimace as another cramp winds through me.

“Come, Little One. Please let us make you comfortable,” Adrian says.

Cole’s face closes off and I won’t have that. Not anymore. Not when I understand how deeply he feels. Not when their scents weave this safe place around me. Not when Cole’s scent calls to every part of me and I need him like I need my next breath.

Like I need all of them.

Being broken isn't so bad when you're broken together.


He turns so fast his shoulder bumps the frame. His dark eyes glitter as they land on me. I raise my arm, stretching my fingers toward him. “Please, Cole. Will you stay?”

Chapter Thirty-Seven


Ican't breathe as I wait for Cole's answer. My heart thunders against my ribs and I'm sure they can all hear it. Will he choose us? Choose me? Or will his guilt win again? The moment stretches, heavy with possibility and fear and hope. Even the pain coursing through my body pauses, waiting.

His face crumples. “Really? You…want me in your nest?”

I nod. “Yes, Cole. I don’t justwantyou in my nest. Ineedyou here. With me,” Iwhisper.

His eyes gleam as he takes one hesitant step toward the nest, then another. He makes a sound like he can’t get words out. As though he can't quite believe he's allowed this, that we want him, that he deserves to be here. His scent, more dry leather than pine, wavers as fear and desperate longing war. I inhale, my head sorting through every complex scent in my nest. Arousal. Desire. Craving. Guilt. Longing.