“Alphas will say anything to an omega to get them where they want them. What guarantee do I have that you're any different to every other alpha out there?” Especially considering they work at Pinnacle fucking Therapeutics.
A deep line forms between Adrian’s brows, as though he’s confused I’m even asking that. His gaze pins me with a truth I can’t deny. “There are no guarantees in life. There’s only my truth and my promise. You'll be safe with us. We will look after you. Provide you comfort and safety to ride out your heat, and…and the fact is, you really can’t stay here, Mira. How long do you think three locks on a flimsy door will keep anyone out? Especially the type of alphas who live in and near this building.”
Fuck. He’s right.
My eyes drift to Cole. I take in his obvious distaste for me, his reluctance to even be here... if the others try to bond me, he'll help stop them. He meets my gaze for a split second before looking away, but in that moment I see something that might be understanding. He’ll keep them away from me, their teeth at least, and that’s one thing I’ve never had on my side… support.
Investedsupport, because they’re a bonded pack, which means if they’re not all in, they won’t bond me. Fuck me, most probably. Especially when I’m out of my mind in lust and pain. But bond?
I don’t think so.
My mind drifts to the toys Haven supplied us. The classes where we were stripped and made to take a knot using the cold silicone toys under the ‘caring’and ‘watching’ eyes of the staff. I might not be a virgin—the toys can attest to that—but I’ve never felt what it’s like to take a real knot. Something I will need to help with the impending agony of my heat.
I have to be totally honest with myself. I can't stay here, and I’m too far gone to find a safe place now.
There’s nothing I can do other than accept the help of three strangers.
These alphas.
My scent is already strong enough to attract attention, and in this building, that attention won't be anything close to safe. I’m leaping from the frying pan into the fire but at least this fire has an extinguisher in the form of one alpha who clearly can’t stand me.
I don’t understand why or how they’re here offering help. I don’t understand how they even found me. Perhaps spending one heat with an omega, even one like me, is better than nothing. A rare lifetime event for which they’re willing to lower themselves. Lack of omega pussy means there are packs of alphas gagging to find an omega of their own, let alone one on the cusp of heat. Which is how and why Mercer is making a killing at her underground auctions. It’s simple supply and demand.
And I’m out of options.
My pathetic nest calls to me even as my rational mind screams about the choice I'm being forced to make. Stay here and risk being claimed by whatever low-life alpha catches my scent first. Get caught and sent back to Haven, where Mercer will personally oversee my “rehabilitation” before selling me to the highest bidder. Or go with these three—two who look at me like I'm precious, and one who, clearly, can barely stand to be in the same room as me.
My heart pounds so hard I'm sure they can hear it. At least with Cole's obvious disgust, I know where I stand. And three known alphas are better than unknown knots invading my body.
“Okay,” I whisper, hating myself for giving in, hating the way my body responds to their presence. “But I'm not agreeing to anything else. Just... justsomewhere safe. For my heat.” I eye Adrian, then Zane, then Cole, making sure I have their utmost attention. “And no bonding.”
Adrian's relief is palpable, his scent softening with it, but I don't miss the way his nostrils flare as another wave of my heat pheromones fills the room. “Thank you for trusting us.”
“I don't trust you,” I correct, forcing myself to sit straighter despite the cramping and fever. “I just don't have a choice.”
Chapter Eight
“Wait outside,” I order, surprised when my voice comes out steady despite the tremor in my limbs. Even more surprised when they actually listen, though Adrian and Zane hesitate at the door. Cole is the first to leave, practically fleeing. Something about his eagerness to get away from me is comforting.
Moving takes everything I have. My skin is too sensitive where my clothes touch it. I force myself to gather my nest such as it is. My vision blurs with exhaustion and heat-fever as I fold my blankets and shove them into my pack. Adrian's lip curls slightly when he watches through the doorway, as though my possessions might crawlwith vermin.
“These come with me,” I snap, clutching the blankets to my chest as very flimsy armor. I'm angry, frustrated, terrified, and his obvious distaste for my poverty isn't helping.
He nods, his eyes dark with something I can’t name. “As you wish.”
I take one last look at my apartment. My stomach churns with anxiety, acid burning the back of my throat. I won't be coming back here. Even if I survive this heat with my freedom intact, this place is burned.
They surround me as we pass down the corridor and I make myself a promise: as soon as my heat passes, I'm gone. Out of this city, away from these alphas, far from Mercer's reaching, grabby, criminal hands. These alphas might mean well now. They might honestly intend to keep me safe through my heat, but this only ends one way.
There’s a price on my head, a target on my back and a deadline tattooed under my skin. They'll hand me over to Haven, “for my own good,” and my life will become more of a living hell.
The freezing night air hits as we step outside. I clutch my backpack tighter, trying to hide how badly I'm shaking. The alphas move around me in a loose triangle formation, unconsciously protective, and something in my omega hindbrain preens at their attention even as my rational mind screams in protest.
Their SUV gleams under the streetlight, a fortress of black metal and tinted windows that promises either sanctuary or prison. I'm not sure which yet. My steps falter as we approach the vehicle, fear and heat-need warring in my gut. I could make a run for it. Could make it back into the shadows of an alley where I’d have a chance of disappearing forever, and…
Adrian reaches for me as I hesitate at the open car door. His fingers are impossibly gentle as he tucks a strand of sweat-dampened hair behind my ear. The tender gesture sends electricity shooting through my overwrought nerves.