He sprawls into the chair across from my desk with his usual casual grace, all long limbs and easy confidence. I brace myself, recognizing the determined set of his jaw. He's here to give me an earful, and knowing Zane, he won't leave until he's said his piece.
“Save it,” I growl before he can start. “There's nothing you can say I haven't already thought myself.” My fingers drum on the desk, a habit I've never been able to break.
His smile fades, replaced by something more serious. “Your mood is affecting her, Cole. You have to stop this self-flagellation. For her sake, if not your own.” He leans forward, green eyes intense. “She flinches every time you leave the room, like she thinks your absence is her fault.”
His jab lands exactly where it should.
“You think I don't know that? There's nothing you or Adrian can say that I haven't already torn myself apart over.” Our pack bond throbs with the intensity of emotion. “I know Mira is important—”
“Then spend some time with her. Get to know her as a person, not just an omega you're afraid to hurt.” His voice softens slightly. “She's scared right now, yeah, but there's fire in her, Cole. You should see how her eyes light up when she discovers something new. I can't wait to peel back all her layers, discover who she really is beneath all that fear.”
The thought of leaving flits through my mind. It would be easier for everyone if I just walked away. The pack would survive. They'd heal. But Zane, damn him, reads the thought on my face before I can voice it.
“Don't be a stupid dick,” he says flatly. “Running away won't fix anything. It'll just hurt her more, and she's had enough hurt to last a lifetime. You think I can't smell your desire for her? That we don't see how you watch her when you think no one's looking?”
The truth stings, but I can't shake the fear. “And what if I make it worse? What if—”
“What if you're exactly what she needs?” Zane interrupts, leaning forward. “What if your understanding of loss helps her heal? Stop thinking about what could go wrong and start thinking about what could go right.” He plows his fingers through his dark hair, frustration evident in the gesture. “She needs all of us, Cole. Different pieces of the same puzzle. Stop robbing her of that because you're scared.”
The words hit home harder than I want to admit. My instincts surge at the thought of her needing me, wanting to provide whatever she requires to heal.
“I don't know how,” I admit, the words tearing from my chest.
Zane's expression softens. “Start small. Join us for dinner tonight. Actually stay at the table instead of taking your plate to your room. Let her see you as more than just a shadow that keeps disappearing.”
I let myself imagine all of us around the dinner table. I’d have to fight Adrian for the kitchen. Both of our instincts would insist on providing sustenance for our omega. I can almost see Mira trying new foods, allowing herself seconds without that haunted look. Maybe she’d even smile and enjoy the dish I cooked better than Adrian’s. The thought settles more gently than expected, warming something cold inside me. Maybe Zane is right. Maybe small steps...
Our phones ping simultaneously, interrupting my thoughts. I open the image Adrian sent and I can’t draw my eyes off the screen. Mira's curled in his lap, peaceful in sleep, wrapped in one of the blankets I placed around the penthouse. I put them everywhere…offices, living room, library. Anywhere she might need them. Her face is relaxed in sleep, free from the constant wariness she carries while awake.
ADRIAN: Heat spike. Got it under control. She's resting now.
His sentences are brief and I imagine him typing with one hand, not wanting to wake Mira.
Jealousy flares, hot and sharp. I know exactly how he “got it under control”. But my jealousy fades quickly into relief that she's not hurting anymore. Still, these continued symptoms are concerning. Dr. Maverick's report about the suppressant levels in her system makes rocks form in my stomach.
ADRIAN: She was reading a book on omega biology. Like she doesn't know anything about herself.
I share a glance with Zane. How could she not understand anything about her biology? But then I think of the few things she’s said. Her constant vigilance andslight confusion on her face in our interactions and I realize she might not really understand the true nature of an omega.
ADRIAN: Found anything in the records?
“Nothing yet,” I tell Zane, rubbing my temples. The headache that's been threatening all morning pulses behind my eyes. “I've asked Elliot to generate a report, but…”
As if summoned, Elliot appears in my doorway, his pristine appearance a stark contrast to my current disheveled state. His salt-and-pepper hair is perfectly styled, not a single wrinkle marring his designer suit. Zane's already typing a response to Adrian, his fingers flying over his phone screen, but I notice how his attention shifts to monitor Elliot's presence.
“Is this the report you were talking about, sir?” Elliot says, his gaze taking in the tension in the room. “I’m afraid it took longer for me to generate and it’s rather thin. It’s difficult to get information from the timeframe you specified. The Haven Institute's formation… well, omega record-keeping wasn't what it is today. There’s no mention of a ‘Mira’ having gone there.” He hands me a depressingly slim folder.
I flip it open, disappointment settling heavy in my gut. The few pages inside mock me with their lack of useful information. The memory of those early days still burns. Ten years ago is right when Senator Hardwick was elected and Pinnacle started to drown in red tape.
Perhaps my timeframe is off. Perhaps Mira isn’t as old as I’d presumed…
“If I may…” Elliot hesitates, straightening his already immaculate tie. “I could dig deeper with a bit more information. If there’s anything else I can go on?”
Something in his tone makes me bristle but I force my reaction down. This is Elliot, for God's sake. He's managed our office for eight years, been nothing but loyal. Still, my protective surge regarding Mira shouldn’t surprise me. I’m her scent-matched mate, even if I’m not acting like it.
“Thank you, Elliot.” I keep my voice neutral, though I notice Zane has stopped typing, his attention fully on our exchange now. “This is just for a friend of afriend, and it seems like I’ve wasted enough of your time. If I need anything else, I'll be sure to ask.”
Mira is hiding for a reason and it's our job to protect those secrets until she's ready to share them.