Maybe he would forgive her one day. Definitely forget her as a bad memory and get on with his life. Put her down as a bad experience and move the hell on.
“You have to let people love you, Elizabeth. I love you. We love you. Let us in.”
She froze, heart pounding. Cold ice was spreading through her body. People didn’t say that to her. People didn’t want that from her.
“You don’t mean that. You don’t know what you’re saying. You’ll thank me for going, James.”
She moved to get up. She needed to get away before she could tell him she loved him. Loved them both. She had a lifetime of people getting rid of her; what made him think he was any different? Circumstances might be dramatic, but when it got down to the bones of the matter, one day he’d be glad he was rid of her.
Only, leaving wasn’t usually nearly so painful as in the past. Well, that was what she got when she gave her heart away. Not just to one person either. Madeline had her heart the moment she’d fallen into the ocean.
Elizabeth’s elbow buckled, and she dropped back to the ground. Her mind swum. What was wrong with her? Her limbs didn’t want to do what she wanted them to.
“Elizabeth…you’re bleeding.” His voice sounded like it came from a tunnel. Horror transformed his face.
“What..?” She blinked against the encroaching darkness, holding a bloodstained hand up to her eyes. Blood. Her blood.
David hadn’t missed after all.
He did promise he’d kill her. He was right. She tried to tell him, but her lips wouldn’t work properly.
James yelled for help. There was real pain in his voice. Urgency. She wanted to tell him it didn’t matter. She didn’t care anymore. Madeline was safe. David was no longer a threat to James. That was the only thing she cared about now. Her life could end because now she knew what it felt like to have been loved. To have a family. Her dream had come true, even if it was only for a few days.
She felt her lips curve into a smile as the darkness washed over her.