There was a collective hush as Elizabeth sat at the piano. All here knew it was Hanna’s piano, and the damn thing hadn’t been played since her death. It had been a monument. A shrine to a woman who had lived life to the fullest. His first love. That meant a lot, but Elizabeth was here now and life was meant to be lived.
Nervous glances were thrown James’ way, darting between Elizabeth and himself. He didn’t give them another thought. Elizabeth had renewed life to this piano, the house and everything it contained. They’d soon see.
Elizabeth kept her gaze averted and downcast. He felt the nervous energy coming from her in waves, but she didn’t back down. A warm glow of appreciation filled him. She wanted to do this for him. She gave him the gift of life and music back into his life. And so much more. If only she knew.
He had to tell her. Words were frail compared to the way he felt about her, but making love to her had failed to tell her how he felt. He wanted everyone to leave so he could pin her naked to the bed and worship her as she deserved to be worshiped. He’d keep her there until she knew what she meant to him. No more doubting. Elizabeth was his second love. He needed to step up. She needed to know he was in love with her, and she’d damn well listen any way he could get her to.
For now, though, he had guests. He fell back into the spellbound moment. All eyes were on Elizabeth, waiting, the air pulsed with hesitation and expectation. Silence. Madeline curled her arms around his neck and leaned her cheek on his shoulder, waiting with as much anticipation as he did.
Elizabeth took a deep breath that echoed in the silence and splayed her hands on the keys. The first notes filled the room, caressing his skin, sliding right through him and into his core. His soul sighed.
Elizabeth began to sing. It was a well-known song originally sung by one of the greats of the UK. Made into a movie cover and sung by actors and an Australian actress. This song was her gift. The tone of her voice was warm, liquid honey. He closed his eyes, concentrating on the husky sound, letting his mind unravel on the melody, taking him to a place where there were no words; just feeling and forgiveness.
He felt Hanna’s warm embrace around his shoulders, a whisper of her lips on his cheek. Peace and ease slid through him, stroking his very soul, finally easing the remnants of darkness of her death and obliterating it. His mind was filled with clarity.
And he knew.
Both women were a gift. His wife, who’d given him so much but had to leave far too young. Hanna had worked from Heaven to give both Madeline and himself this beautiful, loving woman. Elizabeth wasn’t Hanna. No one could replace his first wife. Elizabeth wasn’t a replacement of Hanna.
She was a gift in her own right.
James sighed, opening his eyes to the glorious sight of Elizabeth playing the piano. He recognised the melody. It was one of his favourites. And he was humbled.
The melody caressed around and through him. He was finally ready to move on from his beautiful wife, his past, and he wanted Elizabeth to be his future. This was the true gift, one he would grasp with both hands.
His life had changed so much in such a short time. For the better. Because of Elizabeth. A woman he'd given his heart to, and a woman who would also embrace Madeline. She was more than a gift.
She was a miracle.
The last notes of the song became silence. There was a single clap, then the room erupted in applause. Elizabeth blushed prettily and tried to hide her smile, a mix of shyness and happiness, and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.
She swiveled from the stool and stood at the edge of the raised platform the piano was on. She spotted him, the colour in her cheeks deepening to a dusky pink. She stepped down, people parting for her, and placed a soft kiss on his cheek.
“Happy Birthday, James.”
His put his spare arm around her shoulders but was held back with a steel-like grip. He spun to see Anastasia’s flushed face. Her usually pouty mouth was flat-lined, and hardness had crept into her eyes.
“The nanny has a voice! Personally, I don’t think servants should be allowed to take over their boss’ party. Especially not such an important one like this. Leads them to think they’re on the same level as their betters.”
The softness evaporated from Elizabeth’s face. Her shoulders slumped as her gaze internalised. With shock, he realised she wasn’t angry or hurt by Anastasia’s comment. She hadn’t offered a reply. She'd just stood meekly and taken the verbal abuse. As though she…as though she believed it!
“That’s enough, Anastasia!”
“You can’t have possibly fallen for that performance.” Anastasia’s sleek brows twisted.
“That was no performance. That was from the heart - as if you would know that place even existed. And it was her gift to me.”
He turned to see a space where Elizabeth had been standing. He lost sight of her as she left the room. He went to follow, but Anastasia didn’t let his arm go.
“Don’t tell me you’re going after…that!”
He clenched his teeth, fighting to stop angry words tumbling from his mouth. He didn’t want to make a scene in his own house. He just wanted to find Elizabeth. Nothing was more important. Not these people, not his business, and definitely not Anastasia. He tugged his arm free from her grasp.
“Don’t say something you’ll later regret,” he said.
“May I remind you that your business is dependent on my venture? Without me and giving me everything I want, you are ruined.”