“We prefer to be called jackaroos, but unfortunately we ride motorbikes more than horses.”
Jordie snapped his fingers. “You should have told him that before he lost the feeling in his behind.” The group chuckled good-naturedly again.
Elizabeth felt her cheeks heating. “He told you about that?”
“Don’t worry about a thing. He’s gone soft sitting in that office chair of his all day. You need to get back onsite, get some hard, physical labour back under your belt,” Jordie said.
“Don’t blame him. With a nanny like Elizabeth, I’d rather be inside, too. I’m with you, James,” Stuart said.
Elizabeth was sure her cheeks were on fire. Intensely aware of James’ heated gaze, she dropped her attention to the floor, not wanting the stomach lurch that accompanied her perception of the look on his face.
“That’s enough, boys. I’ll be back onsite and bossing your lazy rear ends around sooner than you know,” James said.
“Yeah, don’t speak too soon, Stuart. We know what he’s like on location,” Jordie said.
“James has much better things to do than be on location. That’s what he hires you for.” Anastasia sniffed and sipped her champagne.
They were left in a long, uncomfortable silence. “I wouldn’t go so far as to say that, Anastasia. My men are invaluable, and so are my site visits.”
“Those building sites are so dirty.” Elizabeth eyed Anastasia’s bright red, talon-like nails. There was no way hands like that did anything manual.
“Building is dirty work.”
Anastasia slid James’ hand into hers and massaged his fingers, leaving him to balance Madeline with one arm. “But it doesn’t have to be for you. You need to get used to getting other people to do it for you.”
“I like going, Anastasia. Call me old-fashioned, but that’s the way I like to run my business. Now, would you like a refill?”
Anastasia straightened and released James’ hand, then handed her a glass with the flip of her head. “Please.”
“Excuse me, I’ll be back in a minute. Would you like anything, Elizabeth?”
Anastasia gasped, eyes widening. Everyone ignored her, but Elizabeth couldn’t. She couldn’t help noticing the expression on Anastasia’s face, making Elizabeth feel like she wasn't good enough to be the ground beneath Anastasia’s feet.
“That’s enough, Anastasia.” James’ voice was gravel. He glared at Anastasia. “While you’re under my roof, don’t insult the people I hire.”
“Maybe the people you hire need to know their place and treat the clients who pay their wages with some respect.”
Elizabeth was speared by the black look Anastasia shot her. She shot a worried glance to James. From her place in life, you didn’t insult people with Anastasia’s wealth and position.
“It’s okay, James. I’ll take Madeline and tuck her into bed.”
“I’d like her to meet some of the people here. Some have never met her, and I plan to rectify that tonight. And she’s so nicely dressed up for the occasion.” He jiggled Madeline, and she giggled.
“First name basis. Seems like everyone is from an even platform here. If that’s the case, where’s your present for James, Elizabeth?” Anastasia’s lips curled in a not-so-pleasant smile.
Elizabeth felt her forehead pucker as confusion rippled through her.
“It’s James’ birthday,” Anastasia said. “Oh, you didn’t know. Did you?”
Elizabeth inhaled with a small sound. “It’s your birthday?”
Elizabeth noticed a table topped with wrapped gifts. There was a huge box in the middle, looming over the other wrapped presents, with a large red bow on the top.
“I didn’t tell you, Elizabeth. It’s not important. This a celebration for my birthday. It’s a casual business meeting. We’re here because Anastasia wanted it.”
Anastasia skimmed her hand over James’ chest. “Because I wanted to do something for you.”
More like to you, but Elizabeth didn’t say anything.