A special type of dread settled in her stomach as she descended the stairs. There was no time to waste. She needed to get to the police station before she lost her nerve. She only had the clothes on her back, but if she took her backpack, James would know something was up.
The sound of the doorbell had heart freezing mid-step as James came from the downstairs office to open the door. A slender blonde stepped through, head tipped back and smiling into James’ face. The epitome of sophistication, her sleek hair was tied back into a neat French bun that emphasised cheekbones that could cut and eyes bluer than a spring sky. The deep red lipstick was a slash of colour that complimented the smoky makeup on her eyes.
She wore a fashionable animal print poncho over a skinny, barely-there black mini-skirt. Long, shapely legs covered in charcoal stockings, poured into a pair of sharp looking, glossy black heels. As she stepped onto the tiles, they clicked with a sharp, clean tap.
“James! How good to see you!”
Black gloved hands reached for his upper arms. She stepped close, invading his body space, and leaned close. She lifted her head and pressed her lips to James’ mouth, closing her eyes. She pressed her breasts against his chest.
This was a kiss that staked a claim. A kiss that offered more than just friendship. A gloved hand snaked around his neck, and the woman melted against him.
Shock struck. With the shock came the realisation that they looked good together. They matched. Two halves of a jigsaw fitting together, perfectly clicked. The sleek golden-haired woman harmonised with the tall, dark and handsome man. Some things were meant to be, and this was one of them.
There was no wrongness about them. The wrongness came from her. Elizabeth looked down at her ratty clothes, with the sewn-in patches and washed out colour. Her wind-blown hair she’d slung back into a quick ponytail, the dash of mascara that barely darkened her lashes. Next to this woman, she was shabby.
Then the full force of this realisation hit her. She was being totally, completely, utterly delusional.
What in hell had she been thinking? Whatever was between them really did have nowhere to go. If going to the police and handing herself in wouldn’t stop it in its tracks, a healthy dose of logic would.
There was no way she could compare with this completely polished woman who fit into James’ arms as though the angels had conferred and made both of them by choosing the best of everything.
At her side, Madeline squeezed her hand and uttered a garbled sound. Elizabeth frowned, turning towards the little girl. It was an odd sound, like a calf calling for its lost mother. Madeline moved so she was half-hidden behind Elizabeth’s leg.
At the sound, the woman looked up at them, not in the least embarrassed at being found kissing James. She stayed where she was, one hand still on his arm, the other around his neck, body pressed intimately against his.
“James, you didn’t tell me you hired a maid,” she exclaimed.
James drew her hands from him, stepping back. The woman’s red lipstick stained his lips. Some of it had leaked below his bottom lip. He wiped it off with a handkerchief as he spoke. “Anastasia, this is Elizabeth. And she’s not a maid.”
A mix of confusion and dawning horror washed her features as her gaze jumped from Elizabeth to James.
“I’m the nanny,” Elizabeth said.
“Oh.” Anastasia relaxed, and her features slid back into controlled perfection. Her gaze dropped to Madeline. “Hello, dear. I didn’t see you there.”
Madeline squeezed Elizabeth’s hand harder and put her thumb in her mouth, disappearing behind her legs completely. Elizabeth felt a frown push her forehead. Where was the happy, carefree child?
“Honey, say hello to Anastasia,” Elizabeth said.
Madeline shook her head and gazed up at Elizabeth, who picked her up, hugging the child to her front. Madeline clung to her shoulders as though she was a lifeline.
“Children. Such funny creatures,” Anastasia said.
“You’re here early. The party doesn’t start until seven,” James said.
Anastasia’s lips parted into a perfect smile, and her hand went to his arm again. “I wanted you all to myself before the others came. Call me selfish, but I’ve missed you while you’ve been here, darling. The roads blocked as they were. Such a horrible state of things, being cut off from the world like that.”
Elizabeth wanted to charge down the stairs and rip Anastasia’s hand off James and only managed to stay where she was through force of will. Gah – she needed to get away.
“I’ll just take Madeline into the kitchen for something to eat.” Elizabeth managed to get down the rest of the stairs with numb legs.
“Elizabeth, please wait.” James’ tone stopped her. Well, she was the nanny, after all. She had to listen to her boss.
“You’ve got a guest, Mr. Rhyder. I’ll wait until you’re free,” Elizabeth said, angling Madeline towards the kitchen door.
“Darling, just let them go. I have some plans I need to go through with you while we have a chance to be alone.” As she said the word “alone”, she glanced at Elizabeth.