Elizabeth had coloured a beautiful shade of pink on and off at the breakfast table this morning. He’d caught glimpses from her, and just to be mischievous, he’d held her gaze to smile at her, just to see her face flushing again.

She was stunning, her auburn curls matching beautifully with the dusky shade of her cheeks. Her eyes glowed, and her soft mouth curved into a sublime smile. If Madeline hadn’t called out last night, he would have kissed her all night long. There was no doubt where last night would have led. A kiss hadn’t been nearly enough. He wanted more.

He was being greedy, but he didn’t care. She intrigued him, mind, body and soul. Life had blossomed, full of possibility, full of colour and happiness. He hadn’t noticed how grey and dull it had become. Not until Elizabeth had provided a light to his darkened path.

“I thought we might all go horse riding this morning. The weather is clear, and I think we all should get out of this house,” he said.

Madeline sat upright, her face flushed with excitement. “A real horse and everything?”

“Yes. A real horse and everything.” James faced Elizabeth. “I was hoping you might take us both out for a horse riding lesson this morning.”

Pleasure washed across her face. “Just to be back on a horse would be amazing. That would be wonderful.”

That look caught in his chest. He would do and say anything to see it there permanently. “That’s great. Because I’ve booked three horses for ten o’clock.”

She playfully eyed his clothes. “If you’re going to ride a horse, you’d better change your clothes.”

He indicated his jeans and polo. “What’s wrong with this?”

“Your jeans are too good. And your shirt. You need to find clothing you won’t mind throwing away. Horse riding isn’t clean.” A sleek brow rose. “Have you ridden before?”

“Uhh, no. First time.”

Her eyes sparkled, playfulness shining. She crossed her arms, tapping a slim finger over her pursed lips as she ran her eyes up and down the length of him.

“Hmmm. Definitely best to change clothes. If you happen to fall off...well, it’s been raining. There’s a lot of mud around.”

He sent her a mock confused expression. “What are you trying to say?”

“Horses aren’t like cars. They have a mind of their own, and if they decide they want to buck you off, they’ll buck you off. Maybe I’ll pick out the oldest mare in the stables for you.”

“I thought I might impress you by riding a huge black stallion.”

She chuckled. “Listen, King Arthur, you can impress me by staying upright on a nag.”

James gave her a mock hurt look. “Don’t judge before you see. I might be a natural.”

Her mouth pursed. “You might be. After you learn the basics. Besides, I thought I’d ride the big black stallion and impress you with my skills.”

He cocked his brow, imagining her on a black stallion, hair wild and tossed about her shoulders, and his groin tightened uncomfortably. “Elizabeth, you’ve impressed me so much already.”

She coloured a beautiful bright red and laughed, the sound like music, finally relaxing the stiffness out of her shoulders. It caressed something deep down inside of him. “I think you’re easily pleased.”

He reached out to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, twirling the auburn strand around his finger until it unraveled at the end. “Quite the opposite. What pleases me are rare gems that are almost impossible to find. Those rare gems shine the brightest of them all.”

“Do you like Liz’beth, Daddy?” Madeline said.

Her toast was clutched, forgotten in her hand as her bright gaze wandered between Elizabeth and himself. His daughter was far too observant. She missed nothing. He tenderly snagged her nose.

“Of course I like Elizabeth. I asked her to look after you, remember?”

Madeline chuckled. “Not like that. I mean you want to kiss her.” The little girl dissolved into a fit of giggles only a four-year-old talking about kissing could do. She definitely missed nothing.

Elizabeth had turned a deeper shade of red, her face fully flushed, which made him immensely pleased. At least she wasn’t denying wanting to kiss him back, and if she felt anything he was feeling, if they didn’t get out of here, he was likely to drag her away so he could start up where they left off last night.

“How about I kiss you?”