
She closed her eyes as the sound of her name on James’ lips sent a subtle shiver through her. She didn’t turn around; if she did, she didn’t think she’d be able to leave the room. Didn’t want to do anything she’d later regret. It was just too tempting. He was just too tempting.


“Thank you. I appreciate what you’re doing.”

She had to draw the line in the sand. This – whatever this was turning out to be – was going to end. She had to remind him of that.

“Only until the landslide clears though. Then I have to go. That was our agreement.”

James nodded, his gaze never leaving her face. “Until the landslide is cleared.”

She nodded slowly, ignoring the hurt and pain in his eyes before she slipped through the door and bolted to the safety of her room. She closed the door behind her and flopped down onto the bed, panting as though she’d run a marathon.

The thing was, she could stay here. She really could. She could cave in to her innermost feelings, live here and look after a beautiful child she was fast falling in love with. A man she desired, if she was totally honest with herself. It was the opportunity of a lifetime. A dream. Everything she’d ever wanted.

But she was no good for either James or Madeline. They didn’t know who she really was, what she was really capable of. They didn’t deserve any of that.

She’d have to stay strong, protect her heart as best she could. When the roads were opened again, she’d make herself leave.

Even if it felt as though she was ripping her heart out.