Elizabeth glanced at him with those huge, luminous eyes, and his insides screamed with yearning. He inwardly groaned. He should have had dinner in his office. He wouldn’t second-guess himself there.

He guided the conversation to focus on Madeline. The tension eased from Elizabeth’s shoulders. Madeline’s chatter was music to his ears. The world drained away, confined to the cosy kitchen. Even Maria was more lighthearted than he’d seen her in a long time, regaling them all with stories of how she learned to cook with her mama. With a few well-chosen questions from Elizabeth, they were kept entertained with stories he hadn’t ever heard, even though Maria had worked for him for many years.

“Daddy, can you take me to the park tomorrow?” Madeline asked.

“That’s what I’m here for, honey,” Elizabeth said. “I’ll play with you while your Daddy is working. Depending on the weather, that is.” The term of endearment she used tugged at his heart.

Madeline clapped her hands and then tucked into the dessert Mrs. D’llessio had prepared. He really could stay here all night, but he’d already lost an hour listening to his daughter and her new nanny singing, and Anastasia wasn’t known for her patience. It was as though the past hour had taken no longer than a few seconds.

“I have to get back to work.”

“More work?” Elizabeth looked up at him with fathomless brown eyes. Eyes that had the capacity to ask anything of him and he’d do it.

He diverted his gaze to his half-drunk glass of wine. “Unfortunately. But…I have enjoyed tonight. Would you help Madeline with her bath and bedtime?”

“Of course.” Elizabeth sipped her wine, running her tongue along her bottom lip. Her lips looked so soft. So kissable. The taste of red wine on her lips would be exquisite.

He stepped towards her, a hand reached for her, an unconscious movement. She stilled, confusion lacing her eyes as her gaze dropped to his hand and back to his face.

He blinked, catching Mrs. D’llessio’s half-raised brow as she regarded him, curiosity on her face.

What the hell was he doing? You were going to kiss her. As though it was the most natural thing in the world, that’s what you were doing.

His mind was clouded with good wine, good food and a woman who was invading every good sense he had to remember why she was here.

He forced himself to take a step back. “Thank you, Mrs. D’llessio. A delicious dinner as usual. I’ll come in to kiss you goodnight.” His eyes inadvertently slid to Elizabeth as he said the words. Her eyes widened a fraction. “Madeline. I’ll kiss you goodnight, Madeline!”

He just about bolted from the kitchen, seeking the safety of his office, and plonked in his desk chair. Hell! He’d almost kissed her. In front of Maria and Madeline! One look at those lips... the way she ran the tip of her tongue… lips blushed with red wine…

He could almost imagine the way those lips would mould to his own, then part, opening her heated mouth to the dance of his tongue. She would taste as sweet as she looked. Passion and apples, spicy and sweet at the same time. Her tongue would sweep over his, and he would deepen the kiss. Fold her in his arms and lock her body against him…

James groaned, running his hands over his face. What had he been thinking? The point was — he hadn’t been thinking at all. He’d reacted, and it hadn’t taken much for him to lose control.

What the hell was he going to do? He couldn’t just forget himself and kiss her just because he was tempted. And he was tempted. He’d just have to lock himself in this office and hide away. It wasn’t as though he didn’t have an excuse. Anastasia Highland.

She’d already taken a lot of his time. Too much time. The lady wasn’t known for her patience. In fact, Anastasia was the reason he’d been so hectic and hadn’t spent the time he’d wanted with his daughter. Recent events included.

James rubbed his eyes. The screen blinked yet another email into his inbox from Anastasia. He pushed aside any other thoughts as he dove into the details that had to be attended to before any further thoughts of dewy lips and delusional kisses could float into his head.