“He was always close. He’d be in a barn or in a house next door. Something like that. He thought it was funny. So close, and they could never find him.”
She looked up at Steve, who ran worried fingertips over his forehead. He looked young, but the short sides of his hair had started to salt and pepper. He glanced at two other officers. “Smith. Cook. Visit the neighbours on either side. Jim, what about the house?”
An officer stepped from the back. “Inside is clear. Haven’t searched the guest house out back, though.”
“Guest house?” Steve’s brows rose.
James stood, jaw clenching. His body was tense, poised to strike. “It’s not part of the property. Totally isolated.”
Elizabeth’s heart pounded. “That sounds like a place he’d go for.”
Steve rounded up the rest of the officers and organised a plan of attack. His gaze rested on everyone who wasn’t in uniform. “Stay here. We’ll let you know what we find.”
The policemen hustled from the door, leaving tense silence in the room. Elizabeth stood. “Like hell I will.”
She couldn’t sit and wait. Like Steve said, she knew David Logan. And right at the moment, she couldn’t be in the same room with James. Not now. She wouldn’t be able to cope with the recrimination she knew would be on his face.
“Elizabeth!” James yelled as she dashed through the door.
She ignored him, rushing to the sunroom that looked out over the back yard. She ran to the window, watching as the police filtered around the outside of the guest house in organised stealth.
She felt James behind her. She closed her eyes. He deserved the truth. He deserved to know who she was. What she was, and now was the time to come clean. Now was the time to face her worst nightmare.