James grabbed a full glass from a passing tray and handed it to her. “I’ve been too busy thinking about other things.”
Anastasia turned her unpleasant look to Elizabeth. “Too bad you don’t have anything for James. I guess only the people who care about him gave him a present.”
She didn’t have anything to give him, let alone afford a gift. Besides, what did you give a man as wealthy as James? She didn’t own anything valuable enough. She wanted to give him something. Wanted to tell him she did care, that she was in love with him despite David Logan and knowing she had to leave. What could she give him?
Then it came to her. It was the only thing she had. “I do have something for you.”
Anastasia’s brows rose. “What could someone like you possibly offer James?”
Realistically, little more than heartache. Her stomach churned, but when Anastasia’s haughty gaze roamed her over, fire burnt through the shakiness.
She had nothing worth anything but herself. And by that standard—she had nothing to lose.
* * *
Elizabeth looked so unsure of herself. She’d caved in on herself throughout Anastasia’s onslaught, shoulders hunching, darting gazes in all directions. She owned such a brittle shell of self-esteem, he was afraid Anastasia would ruin whatever little was there. He couldn’t stand to see Elizabeth like this. He liked the bold, multi-dimensional woman she was when her guard was down. It didn’t take much to bring her down, and Anastasia was doing a good job.
He could throttle the woman. In fact, his tongue itched to put her back in her box, contract be dammed, but so many people depended on him for their jobs, he held it under a tightly clenched jaw. He hated that so much depended on this spoiled woman he was finding harder and harder to be around.
He’d worked hard all night to keep Anastasia at arm's length. And he hadn’t been able to talk to Elizabeth about that dammed kiss Anastasia had surprised him with at the front door. He’d been devastated when Elizabeth saw them. He couldn’t get that hollow look out of his mind. Had gone over and over it as they’d run through building plans and projected costs.
He would have thought making love to her had proved how much she meant to him, but Elizabeth wasn’t surprised by Anastasia’s attitude.
All he wanted to do was pull her into his arms and kiss her senseless, tell her he didn’t give a damn about Anastasia no matter how many times she’d tried it on tonight, tell everyone to get the hell out and leave just the two of them together.
He was sick of Anastasia’s sexual assaults. They’d been more and more insistent as the weeks had progressed. It was probably more the fact that he’d never given her any more than professional attention, that she wanted more. He was the conquest she never had. And she was used to getting her way. He must be the only man who hadn’t wanted a sexual bar of her, and that had obviously gotten to her.
Elizabeth nibbled her bottom lip as though it was a food, looking insecure and out-of-her-league. If she only knew she was the brilliant shining star in a room full of black holes.
“I...I do have a present for you, James.” Her voice was soft, hesitant.
“You don’t have to give me a gift, Elizabeth.”
He started towards her. She held out her hand, palm facing him. “It’s okay. I…want to give you this gift.”