The air in the room became thin, her lungs struggling to breathe properly. She thought this would be the end, that coming here, she’d be locked away.

Almost safe.

Now she had to face James again. The thought made her heart sick and leap with joy at the same time. It had been hard enough to leave. Where was she going to get the strength to do it a second time?


She jolted in her seat, blinking at Steve’s hardened gaze. There was no choice. If she didn’t stop David now, there was no telling what he’d do to James, and David was capable of anything. Anything at all.

She thought he was saving James and Madeline by leaving. Now she had to go back, put them in potential danger to leave all over again. The thought made her sick to her heart.

She licked dry lips and nodded. “No. No, I don’t want that to happen.”

The black sludge grew darker and heavier until it felt as though her blood had become the blackest oil, her heart expanding and pounding with immense effort to force it around her body.