Her back tingled as she stepped through the front door. She could almost feel James’ hand on her shoulder, his look questioning, wanting to know where she was going. She almost wished he did; then she’d have an excuse to go back inside, to his welcome arms, and continue the dream for a little longer. But the door clicked behind her with a finality she felt to her bones. She released the long, hard breath her frozen lungs had locked inside her.
She forced leaden legs down the front steps and onto the damp drive. Movement caught her attention. A figure hunched against the rain walking up the road caught her attention. She’d know that physique anywhere. Her heart punched through her chest as she dove for cover behind one of the thick, low lying bushes that lined the driveway. What the hell was David doing here?
She clung to the damp ground, barely breathing as David walked past. He hadn’t seen her, thank God, but his determined steps took him right to the front door.
Elizabeth swiveled slowly, her knee now soaked through from the soil, so as not to bring any attention to herself. She knew how keen David’s eye was. David being here wasn’t good. Not good at all.
She heard his knock. Presently, Maria appeared. Pink tulle ruffled in the breeze at her legs. Hell, Madeline had come to the door with Mrs. D’llessio!
David bent down to ruffle Madeline’s hair, and the little girl shrank behind the housekeeper.
Good girl, get as far away from that man as possible.
Elizabeth stiffened, ready to dash from her hiding place if he started anything, but David straightened and after a few words retreated back down the driveway.
Mrs. D’llessio watched him leave, a wary expression on her face before she ushered Madeline inside and closed the door. Elizabeth didn’t blame her. David’s heavy footfalls had her shrinking to the ground. She stayed there long after the sound of heavy boots faded.
She rubbed a trembling hand over her sweaty brow. Things had just escalated. David was either getting desperate, more brazen than he normally was. There was no reason he’d come to the house, or even notice Madeline. Something was up with him. Whatever it was, it was no good. She edged from the protection of the bushes and jogged to the secluded bush track that wound into town.
It was now imperative she get to the police.
* * *
“We need your help, Elizabeth.”
“What?” That wasn’t the answer she’d expected.
As she’d anticipated, she’d been here for a couple of hours. At first they’d stared at her with disbelief, then as she’d explained her activities and how she was mixed up with David Logan, she’d been quickly taken into the interrogation room, questioned and then left to stew in her guilt as they’d worked out what to do with her. She’d probably be taken to a bigger holding station in Melbourne sometime tonight.
The lean cop sat down in the chair opposite hers. He had the look of a runner on him, suntanned, fit, clean shaven. On another day, she might have thought him handsome.
“Do you know for a fact it was David Logan?”
She nodded. “Absolutely certain. I met him at the café, then I saw him at James Rhyder’s house. His ugly face is etched indelibly into my memory.”
“At least we know he’s in town and who he’s targeting. He’s wanted on a long list of crimes, and we haven’t been able to track him down. He knows how to cover his tracks, that’s for sure. You know, if it makes you feel any better, you’re only the last in a long run of women he uses to take the fall. When he gets his hooks into his victim, he doesn’t let up.”
She groaned and dropped her head into her hands. “Don’t I know it. I’m so stupid.”
The cop, Steve Martin on his name tag, grimaced. “Don’t sell yourself short. He’s a well-practised, smart operator.”
David was a smart scum bag, but she’d also been stupid. The cop’s words repeated in her mind. Once he gets his hooks into his victim, he doesn’t let up. Now he’d set his sights on James. He’d seen Madeline.
David might be a smart operator, but he was also violent and didn’t have a conscience. He wouldn’t stop until he’d destroyed James the way he’d destroyed so many other lives. A black foreboding sludge gathered in her gut, oozing into her bloodstream.
Elizabeth drew a deep breath. “Tell me what you want me to do.”
Steve didn’t hesitate. “He’ll answer your call. Tell him you have James Rhyder’s bank details. Tell him you’ll meet with him to give them to him. We’ll be waiting for him when he turns up. Don’t worry, Elizabeth. Everything will work out.”
He slid her phone across the table. The one James had given to her to look after Madeline. She took it with a shaking hand, having to dial the number three times. David didn’t answer, so she left a message.
“Now what?”
“Now you go back.”
Elizabeth shook her head, reeling back into the chair. “I…no…I can’t…can’t go back.”
Steve’s sympathetic gaze hardened. “You’ll have to, Elizabeth. If David suspects anything amiss from your usual activities, he’ll know and run and hide. We want to stop him. It might be years until he surfaces again. Think of the damage he can do to other people in those years. You don’t want that to happen, do you?”