“My God. You are beautiful, Elizabeth.”
She stiffened. Her eyes flew open, and some of the liquid heat that made her body feel so limbless left her limbs. His head rose to look directly down at her. A frown pulled his forehead.
“What’s the matter?” His voice was soft. Filled with concern that tugged at her heart.
She pulled at her bottom lip with her teeth. Understanding flooded his eyes. “Hasn’t anyone told you how beautiful you are?” No one could see into her soul. It simply wasn’t possible. All she could do was stare at him.
He cursed under his breath, shaking his head. He rose and pressed his lips so tenderly against her mouth before he cupped her face between his palms. “You. Are. Beautiful.”
She closed her eyes. It hurt her to see such sincerity in his eyes when she was so undeserving of any of this.
“Open your eyes, Elizabeth.”
She reluctantly complied, watching him.
“You. Are. Beautiful.”
Tears heated her eyes, and to her mortification, a tear slipped down her temple. She didn’t want this from him. Not this truth. His fierceness that she should know only confirmed how deep his feelings ran for her. And she deserved none of it. She started to shake her head, but he caught it in his hands, repeating it over and over. He kissed the tear from the corner of her temple, combing his fingers through her hair until her body went limp.
The tenderness in which he held her, the firmness of his convictions, the gentleness of his hands and lips broke the last of her wall. She knew beyond a doubt. Knew it and admitted it silently to herself.
She had fallen in love with him.
She was in love with him with every cell and fibre of her body, heart, mind, soul. She took his lips with hers, ran her fingertips over his back and to his waist. She jerked his belt and zipper undone, working his pants over his buttocks, kicking them down his body with her feet.
Skin on skin seared her. Soft, hard, silky, smooth, rough. She marveled in the contrasts of his body over hers. She brought him on top of her to nestle snugly over her body, wrapping her heels around his back and opening herself fully to him. His erection nudged into her belly. Firm and hot.
“Make love to me, James. Please. I don’t want to wait any longer.”
He rose from her, tugging her up the bed until her head was on the pillow. He picked up his discarded pants, reaching for his wallet and pulling out a little plastic wrapped packet. He ripped it open with his teeth and in one swift movement sheathed himself.
He wasted no time returning to his position over her and lowering his body over hers. He took her mouth in his, his hips undulating so his erection slid through her slick folds. Flames burst from the hot coals in her sated body, and she came alive instantly. She held him tightly against her as his erection probed her entrance. She tilted her hips, and he entered her in a swift, commanding thrust, filling her thickly and deeply.
He rested there a moment, giving her time to get used to the feel of him inside her. He slid slowly out to his tip, then entered her, locking himself tightly against her. It felt as though he touched her soul. A sigh escaped her mouth and body. She threw her head back, and he nestled into her neck as he thrust again.
Exquisite tension built around him, and as he rocked a little faster, a little harder, a coil tightened until nearly her breaking point. His erection slid against the electric part of her core inside her, building, building until it was unbearable.
“Look at me, Elizabeth. Open your eyes. I want to see your face.”
With a will she didn’t know she possessed, she opened her eyes to see his face mere centimetres above her. Tension overlayed his face as he held on with an iron will, determined that she would find her pleasure before him.
She also saw desire, a burning, erotic fever, but it was the raw affection, love, his love for her he didn’t hide that toppled her over the edge. Glorious sensation rolled through her, stealing her breath and holding her body captive. She was unable to think, breathe, move as intense wave after magnificent wave of her orgasm rocketed through her.
James groaned, and he fell against her as he found his release. His shoulders strained, skin slick with sweat as he arched back. He scooped her with one arm, pulling them onto their sides, and wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight. She clung to him as she came back to Earth, drawing comfort in his arms, refusing to think about the handful of hours remaining to her that she would have to etch into her memory to satisfy a lifetime.