David Logan hadn’t been a figment of her imagination. She had seen him. She couldn’t think how he’d found her, and as for why...well, it wouldn’t be anything good.
How had he even gotten through to this town? She’d tried her best to get out and it had been impossible. But that had been days ago, and a path might have been cleared and while she’d been having a good time, her past was catching up.
James had kept on asking her what was wrong. She’d pleaded she’d eaten food that hadn’t agreed with her and her stomach had turned all of a sudden, but she could tell he suspected it was something more than that. It was a flimsy lie, but it was all she could come up with at the time.
She led Madeline by the hand and through the front door, ignoring James’ confused gaze. She hadn’t lied to James, exactly. Her stomach had wanted to turn inside out when she’d seen David. She had been sick and only just managed not to vomit.
One thing for sure, David was bad news, spreading nothing good wherever he went. There was no way she would let David come anywhere near James or Madeline. Her fantasy was over. Destroyed by David Logan. She’d be stupid to think it might have turned out any other way. She had two days. Two days before she could take that bus out of town. Two days to try and stay safe. Then, when she was gone, James and Madeline could return to their nice little life.
She shut down enough so now she was only numb. The hurt would come later, when she was well gone from here. She managed to return James’ smile, even though her heart shattered into thousands of tiny pieces with each passing moment.
Things were that much more complicated now that she had given her heart to a little girl who needed her and a man who had the power to totally unravel her. She should have hardened her resolution and listened to her head instead of her heart.
“Elizabeth, you have a phone call.” Mrs. D’llessio caught them the moment they came through the door.
She jerked to a stop. “Me?”
“Si. An old friend, he said he was.”
Her heart pounded. Her body went numb, her mind spinning. David. It had to be. No one knew she was here. Oh God, oh God, oh God. David knew she was here in this house! That would mean he knew about James. Madeline.
“Maria! You should have seen me on the horse! I rode as good as Liz’beth.” Madeline ran up to the housekeeper and wrapped her arms around Mrs. D’llessio’s waist.
Breathe. Just breathe. Her heart beat boomed in her ears.
“I bet you did, Bambina. Horse riding gives you an appetite. Would you like some lunch?” Mrs. D’llessio asked.
“Can I have a peanut butter sandwich?” Madeline asked.
She sucked in air through her nose, fighting lightheadedness.
Breathe. In. Out.
“You no want my bruschetta?”
“Can I have it after my peanut butter sandwich?”
Madeline’s voice become background noise. The world spiraled back, the grey edging away from her vision.
Another breath. Deep. In. Out.
Mrs. D’llessio fussing over Madeline gave Elizabeth a chance to collect herself. She turned to the phone in the hall to hide her face, tucking her shaking hands into the folds of her shirt. Mrs. D’llessio shuffled an excited Madeline into the kitchen, but James hadn’t moved.
“Who could be calling you, Elizabeth?”
Elizabeth took the phone from the hall table, hiding her trembling hand, and turned to James. She tried to smile, faking being confused. “Not sure. Might be the homestead. I gave them this number in case they needed to reach me for any reason.” She pointed to the empty office space. “May I?”
“Is everything all right, Elizabeth?” James settled serious eyes on her.
“Yes. All good. My stomach is still a little unsettled. That’s all.” She really wasn’t lying. She did feel sick. Sick to her soul.
His gaze roamed her face. He reached out towards her, cupped her elbow with a firm, warm palm. “If you need anything, you’ll let me know?”
“Of course. They’re probably just asking about the last time I filled the feed bags or something like that. I probably forgot to write it down,” she said.