He pursed his lips and made kissing noises as he lifted her out of the chair and blew a raspberry on her cheek. Madeline squealed in delight. Beneath the sound of his daughter, he heard Elizabeth’s huskier laugh.
This was going to be a very good day indeed.
* * *
They decided to take the horses down to the beach on the last leg of their journey. Elizabeth was comfortable and relaxed on her horse, while his rear end was more bruised than a boxer's face in the ring. He shuffled, but the constant beating of the saddle against his backside failed to relieve any steadily growing discomfort.
Madeline had a smile on her face the entire time. He watched his daughter bouncing lightly in the saddle, gripping the reins just how Elizabeth had shown her. After a few corrections, Madeline had seamlessly gotten the knack. Madeline watched Elizabeth with hero worship in her eyes as she laughed at something Elizabeth said to her. Elizabeth laughed with her and leaned over to kiss Madeline on her cheek. The simple action was bittersweet, and he was surprised at the power of his response.
It was right asking Elizabeth to be Madeline’s nanny. He’d felt it in his gut. Granted, a bit underhanded in the way he went about it, but he refused to feel guilty about something that was working out so well. Madeline adored her.
He adored her.
It was almost too good to be true. He looked for the lead lining, but so far it hadn’t materialised. Maybe this time the universe was cutting him a break. He dared not think about it too much, just in case this was no more than a tantalising dream.
Elizabeth had chosen their respective rides, and the pony she’d deemed appropriate for his daughter had been spot on. The horse he rode, although not a nag as she’d teased him about, was docile enough for him to relax. At least if he fell due to his numb rear end, the sand would make a soft landing. He eased into the saddle and moved with the rhythm of the horse.
“That’s better. You’re not fighting the horse anymore,” she commented.
“Whereas you’re a natural.”
Elizabeth rode with a natural grace. She may not have had the advantage of riding in a pony club as a pampered girl, but she more than made up for it with the look and ease of a pro.
She flashed a smile at him that made her eyes dance. “Madeline has done well for her first time.”
“It’s the quality of the teacher.”
“Teaching can only go so far. The student sets the lesson, and she’s listened well and done what I’ve asked her to do.”
“If she wants to go horse riding again, you have my permission to take her out again.”
She sent him a sideways glance. “Would you like to come out again?”
He grimaced, and before he could answer, she laughed. He could watch her laugh all day. “Recover first, right?”
“I would like to be a little less tender.”
“It gets easier. You have to build up your muscle tone.”
“Are you saying my butt has no muscle tone?”
He loved the way her cheeks flushed a delightful pink when he teased her. On one level she was older than her age, but on another she seemed so innocent. He wondered what her boyfriends had been like. She’d never mentioned any of them. A stab of jealousy rose through him at that thought. He didn’t want to know if she’d given her heart to anyone else.
“Don’t answer that. I was teasing.”
“I know you were. Besides, I think you have a very nice butt,” she said softly.
“Why, Elizabeth, I do believe you’re ribbing me.” He chuckled, then, “I’m glad you came here. And not just because you rescued my daughter.”
She ducked her head, the trace of a smile on her face. He loved the way her feelings were so transparent through the expressions on her body. He enjoyed her real honesty. It was a breath of fresh air.
“I understand why Hanna liked being here.”
He liked the way she spoke about Hanna. People often found it uncomfortable to talk about people who had passed, as though they’d never existed. But she had lived. He had loved her, and she had given him Madeline. Elizabeth talked about her, giving her the respect she deserved. That simple respect eased his heart.
“It gives your mind space to think clearly. Pushes all the messy thoughts away and leaves room for the music.”
He regarded her for a moment. “She used to say something like that, too.”