“You’re up early.”

A deep masculine voice made her squeak. She’d put one foot on the top step and had the front door in her sights. The sun had barely touched the horizon, and it was early enough that she thought she might get out of here undiscovered.

Sneak out of here, more like it.

She ignored her snarky inner voice, turned and wished she’d made a bolt for the door instead.

His sleep-mussed hair hung low over his forehead in a messy tangle. His eyes were heavy, blinking fatigue away. He swept his fringe back with a negligent stroke through his hair, making her chest tight.

His pyjama pants hung low on his hips, just below the jut of his hip. He wore a plain white T-shirt that did nothing to hide his flat stomach and broad, well-proportioned shoulders. He was watching her, massaging his nape. The hem of the T-shirt rose, baring a flash of smooth, warm skin and the well-defined V of muscle on his low abdomen. It should be a sin to look that good.

Elizabeth forced her gaze to his face, deciding she shouldn’t really be noticing anything about his body at all. She ignored the beckoning front door and smiled hesitantly at James. “Good morning. You’re up early too.”

His brows rose. “Doesn’t help when you have someone who beats the rooster in bed with you.”

Elizabeth’s heart staggered. Someone in his bed? A woman? She had no right feeling the quick stab of nonsensical jealousy that snuck through her defences. Then a little blonde head poked past his leg, and relief swamped her. He’d meant Madeline.

“I thought I left you asleep in your bed last night?” Elizabeth said.

Madeline giggled, the sound wrapping a big red bow tie around her heart. James grimaced. “You did. But the thunder from last night’s storm proved too loud for little ears.”

“Your bed is so much warmer, Daddy,” Madeline said. “You should come in too, Liz’beth.”

Her eyes snapped to James’. Her face heated, and it had nothing to do with the innocence with which Madeline had suggested she come to James’ bed. In a flash, her thoughts had gone down a very different path.

He cleared his throat. “I think Elizabeth’s bed was warm enough for her. Am I right, Elizabeth?”

The way he looked at her made her want to say no, it hadn’t been warm enough at all. That she needed a hot-blooded, hard-as-a-rock body to cuddle up to, and then she might have all the warmth she needed.

But out loud she merely said, “It was very comfortable, thank you.”

Madeline skipped around James’ legs and approached Elizabeth. She eyed the pack. “Where are you going?”

Elizabeth snagged her thumb beneath the shoulder strap. “I’ve got to be on my way early this morning.”

“You haven’t even had breakfast,” Madeline said.

“I don’t usually eat breakfast,” Elizabeth said.

Madeline put her little hands on her hips. “Breakfast is the most ‘portant part of the day. Isn’t that right, Daddy? You have to stay and have breakfast with us. "Madeline looked over her shoulder at James.

His serious gaze settled on her. “Elizabeth has to go, sweetheart. Maybe we’ll see her around town later.”

Madeline jumped with a delighted smile on her mouth. “We can do coffee.”

Elizabeth couldn’t help the bubble of a laugh that came from her lips, even though she knew she’d be long gone by lunchtime. “That sounds very adult. I don’t know about coffee, but I love milkshakes. How about you?”

“Oooo. I love choc’late milkshakes. And banana. And st’awberry.”

“You have stolen a way into my daughter’s heart. Again,” James said. He placed a hand on Madeline’s shoulder and gave it a little squeeze.

He peered at Elizabeth with eyes that seemed to see all too much. Now that the time had come, what she wouldn’t do for a few more moments in their company, but that was just wishful thinking.

“Thank you for letting me stay last night.”

“I’ll drive you into town.”