Page 53 of The Erion Triad

The Captain of the Guard stepped towards them without hesitation.

“No! Thank you, Tann, but I don’t think that would work. Don’t harm yourself by touching us. We’re not bonded. The crystal is linked to me, but so is that thing out there,” Lucie said.

“What is it, mate?” Zaen said.

She licked her very kissable, plump lips. She flashed him a hesitant look before she said, “The other women, Riley and Evelyn, they’re also connected to their crystals. They have also mate-synced to their Triads, making them stronger. What if… what if all the crystals were interrelated and through the mate-sync we could share all our combined energy. Us humans, our Quads, the bonds and the crystals.”

“That would be a very strong power indeed. It might even be strong enough to blast that thing away from us,” Zane said.

“Strong enough to send it into oblivion and erase it from whatever existence it came from,” Kyel growled.

“Good to know you still don’t do things by halves.” Juliran grinned.

Kyel scowled. “Tann. Get the Arabis and Ozar on the comms.”

“At once, Highness.” Tann tapped his comm device.

Rujali, the Alpha prince of the Ozar Quad, appeared on screen. He wore a scowl to rival Kyel’s. “I don’t have time. We’re under attack. From… clouds. We think this is the entity launching its attack on Negari.”

“It is! Rujali, get Riley! Fast as you can,” Lucie shouted.

Rujali’s golden gaze sharpened. “It that your human female?”

“No time for questions, just do as our mate asks. Let’s not dwell on our history, or else we might not make a future. Time is of the essence. She thinks we can defeat this entity,” Kyel spoke.

A tiny golden-eyed woman muscled past Rujali. Riley was one of the few females that might possibly move that great hulk of a male out of the way. “Lucie? Are you all right?”

“I’m fine. For now. Look, there’s no time to explain, but get to your tower. You need to touch the crystal whole it’s in its holder in your tower, and then your mates need to connect with you,” Lucie said.

“Did she say we need to have sex while holding the Ozar crystal?” Klaej’s green face appeared on the screen. Juliran was sure it wasn’t his imagination when he noted the anticipation on the male’s face.

“Geez, isn’t gettin’ me pregnant enough? Lucie isn’t a girl to ask another girl to get down and dirty. That isn’t want she meant… is it?” Riley quirked her brows. Her expression was confused, but open.

“No. Just touching is sufficient. I think it will generate enough power to blast this entity back to where it came from. But, please, be quick.”

“Got it. The mist is comin’ down quick and fast around here. It’ll be a battle, but I’m up for a fight. Someone needs to kick that thing’s ass. Going there now.” The comm went blank.

“The Erion next,” Kyel barked.

Tann tapped his screen. The inside of a craft appeared and a large male with long hair he wore in a messy bun at the back of his head and a trimmed beard came into view.

“I hear there’s trouble on the Homeplanet.” Paxt was right to the point.

“Yes, and I need Evelyn,” Lucie said.

Evelyn scrambled in front of the screen. “Lucie! What’s going on down there?” The small magenta crystal in the center of her forehead glowed and pulsed.

“Aren’t you back yet?” Lucie said, her voice cracking.

“No. We’re a week away. At least.” Evelyn looked frantic. “What’s happening down there?”

“The entity. It’s broken through. But I think I know how to kill it… At least, I thought I did… but you’re not here.” Lucie’s eyes filled with unshed tears. “Don’t come back, Evelyn. The entity is invading and killing everyone on the planet. I think this is the end for us.”

“Bullshit!” Evelyn shouted. Juliran liked her. “It’s not over till it’s over, and I’m sick of this thing trying to kill everyone. We’ve got to give this a go. I’ll do anything. Tell me what you’re thinking.”

Lucie took a huge breath and nodded. She was shaking so much she could barely stand, and yet she held onto the crystal with a white-knuckled grip. Gods, he was proud of his mate. “I think all of the crystals have linked to us girls. We feed it power and it feeds us. Combined with the strength of our mate-bonds, I think we can generate enough power between us to kick this thing into oblivion.”

Evelyn touched the little crystal embedded in her forehead. “It makes sense, Lucie. I’m connected to our crystal somehow. Why else would I have this little baby in my forehead? If I hold our crystal and concentrate, do you think that’s enough to connect even though I’m not on the planet?” Evelyn asked.