She was still understandably traumatized from her abduction. Kyel knew it might yet be months, maybe years, before she would be rid of the daily nightmares, and yet there seemed to be something else terrorizing their sweet mate, besides her terrible experience at the hands of the scaled ones.
He’d meditated on their soul link. On the surface it was clear and connected, and yet there was something—other—about their link.
He was aware of what the Ozar and Arabis had faced. They all knew about this entity that was intent on using the power of the crystal to enter their dimension and control their planet, and he more than suspected that it was blocking their soul connection.Theycould feelher, butshehad no way of feelingthem.
If she had, they could have completed the mate-sync, and she would be happily in their arms during the day and in their bed at night. With the soul-to-soul connection, she would know beyond a doubt that they were made for each other. Their souls would recognize the strength of their love, even if her mind had yet to catch up. He sometimes worried she felt nothing because she was human, but the Fates wouldn’t have gifted her to them in the first instance. In fact, if he studied the Ozar and Arabis Quads, theirs were the strongest mate-syncs he’d ever seen. He knew their bond was also strong, if it wasn’t for the strange blockage.
His heart pounded at the mere sight of Lucie being so close to the crystal. It was powerful and there was no knowing what would happen if she touched it, however dormant it might look.
That was the other confusing thing. Returned to its cradle, set upon the strongest ley-line of their Homeland, the crystal should have linked right back into the ground, but it had yet to light and restore health upon their land.
Without the power returning to the land, their people could not recognize their mates. Without the power of a Quad, of four souls coming together through the mate-sync bond, new souls blessed from the Fates could not come into existence onto their planet. It took the power—and the love—of four connected souls to bring new souls into physical existence, to give birth to a new Triad of males and then a precious female. Two pregnancies per Quad that ensured the continuation of their species. Their people, the land and their crystal were intimately linked.
He’d had their lead scientists on the job, looking into the problem. The trapped power inside the crystal was building and nobody knew if it was safe enough to touch—and their mate hovered too close to unknown, unbridled power.
Her eyes shone with unshed tears, her face tightened in anguish. “I… I must. It told me to do this.”
His blood ran cold. If someone was threatening her, he would eviscerate them. “Who told you, Lucie?”
She shook her head, face twisted, clasping her forehead with the hand that wasn’t reaching for the crystal, waging an internal war. His heart stuttered at her pain.
“You don’t understand,” she said, voice hoarse.
“Little mate, we can help you.” Zaen stepped next to his shoulder.
Lucie shrank in on herself. “No one can help me. Don’t you understand? You have to go away. It’s the only way it’ll stop. Please… I just want to go home.” Her face contorted with anguish, tears leaking from her eyes, streaking down her cheeks.
“Lucie, please. You have to listen to us.” He shook with restraint. It took all his willpower to just stand there and watch his mate being tortured.
“I’m done with listening! It said… it will hurt you if you stop me. This is the only way!” She panted, fighting something only she could sense. A heart-wrenching groan ripped through her as she turned towards the crystal.
“Little mate. Don’t!” Juliran’s voice echoed around the chamber. He rushed towards her, but it was too late.
Her small fingers closed around the crystal. Her body went rigid as though bolts of electricity raced through her. Her head was thrown backwards, her long brown strands flowing down her back. Her eyes snapped wide open, seeing nothing. Pain was etched on every angle of her face and body.
The dead crystal in her hand came alive, glowing so bright that it washed her out with its intensity. Light streamed outwards, coating the landscape beyond with the bright blues and swirling greens of the Erion. It was alive, a swirling mass of living color. It reached the horizon and into the sky above, the brightest and strongest Kyel had ever seen.
A shriek pierced his ears. A sonic boom erupted throughout the chamber. The exterior glass exploded outwards, shards shattering through the air and shooting to the ground. Black clouds appeared out of thin air, swirling around the ceiling. Wind whipped their clothing, creating a stream of circular air with enough force to take them to the floor. Kyel braced against the wind, feet wide apart, hand against the wall at his back.
A face emerged from the swirling mass. Two holes for eyes. A gigantic mouth yawned open, lowering as though to swallow Lucie whole.
“No!” Juliran stepped towards her.
Shards of lightning flashed, leaving black score marks in the floor. Smoke rose from the mark, separating them from their mate. A clap of thunder rolled through the chamber, and the entire building shuddered. The mouth descended directly towards her.
“We have to save her,” Kyel yelled over the screech of the storm.
“Three of us. Together. Like we’re hunting Standon,” Zaen called. His tattoos flashed blue and green in his terror for Lucie. Kyel had never seen his brother so agitated.
Kyel nodded, the increasing noise of the storm making it too hard to speak. Juliran moved to the right, while Zaen moved to the left. Kyel waited until they were in position, all three surrounding her.
Lucie’s body glowed with the power of the crystal, blue and green light glowing from her open eyes. Light streamed from cracks that opened all over her skin.
Gods, she was being roasted alive. Her little body couldn’t take this sort of torture. Hadn’t she already gone through enough?
There was no time to dwell. He shoved aside those thoughts. The only thing that mattered was saving Lucie. He had to concentrate.
Kyel nodded at his brothers and they moved as one. There was a thunderous roar, and lightning cracked, lashing towards them. White hot pain streaked along his arm, but he launched through the air with a powerful leap.