“That means it fears our mate-sync. And it fears it for a reason,” Juliran said.
“It means our mate-sync is stronger than it is. An entity like this can only fear what is more powerful. Lucie, to save yourself, to save us, we need to complete our bond. We need to mate-sync,” Kyel said.
A slither of unease worked through her bones, “But… we can’t. I feel a bond, yes. But that is because all three of you are beautiful men, inside and out. Your soulsshine…” What she wanted to say brought a bitter taste to her mouth.
“But? Tell us, Lucie. So that we may help you,” Juliran said.
“Can’t you see? I’ve been telling the truth all along. I’m weak. I’ll only bring you down. Please… let me go. You’ll find another mate. One that is actually worthy of you.” Tears rolled down her cheeks, but they had to know. Had to understand. “I’m not capable of giving you what you need because I don’t even know myself. Have no idea how to be strong. No idea how to give, no idea how to love and you… all of you… deserve everything.’
“Oh, Lucie. You have given us those things all along, and you didn’t even know it. Look.” Kyel said.
Scenes rolled out around her, one after the other, all of her from their perspective. They’d noticed every little detail, everything she’d done. When she’d offered a tentative smile and had made their hearts bloom. When she’d helped a stranger carry a heavy bag. When she’d offered her night guard a hot drink and some food. When she’d fed the pets, and listened to Kira as she’d talk and talk and talk about finding her own mates, all the while the voice was in her head telling her she wasn’t worthy, that she was everything those selfish people in her life had told her she was. “It was lies, all of the things those people said to you. Lies because they were the lesser people. Because there was something in you, they were jealous of. Look, Lucie. Look at how strong you are. That despite being taken from your planet and tortured and then attacked by this voice, you were still kind and patient and loving. That despite everything dark in your life, you chose the light. You chose love and for that we will be forever thankful,” Kyel said.
“If it wasn’t for you having to go through all of that, we would never have met you. You sacrificed this for us,” Zane said.
“There is a reason the Fates designed you and us. It is their perfect plan. You cannot doubt that. Never doubt yourself and never doubt us. We love you. We have always loved you. Denying you would be denying ourselves and we are selfish bastards. We are never going to deny ourselves,” Juliran said.
“Are you looking, Lucie? See how we see you. There is nothing,nothing, but love,” Kyel said.
The images continued to swirl around her, one after the other. She had never seen herself from the outside. All she knew was what was going on in her mind and in her heart.
“Don’t deny us anymore, Lucie. Please, accept us. We’re pleading with you. Please, open your heart and take us in,” Kyel said.
Everything she’d denied herself, she’d also denied them. That was the ultimate selfish thing she could ever do. How could she deny these three beautiful men anything? They were the missing parts of her soul, and she was their missing part. To separate them all would be to never know fulfilment, never know ultimate love. That was something she would never do to them.
The final wall that encased her heart shattered like a brittle shell, and as it did, the invisible barrier that held them from her disappeared.
As one, they strode over to her and gathered her in their arms, kissing her mouth, cheek, eyelids, forehead. Their hands were on her thigh, waist, arm, shoulder. They surrounded her, and a sigh rippled through her entire being.
“Yes. Yes, I take you. I… I love you. All of you. You are the three-quarters of my soul that I’ve been missing. I accept you. That’s if… you accept me.”
Kyel’s throaty chuckle sounded in her ear. “We accepted you the moment we laid eyes on you, our sweet mate. Our human female. Our beautiful Lucie.”
There was a clash of thunder and a freezing wind battered them from all sides. Wind whipped her hair into her eyes and icy shards sent white hot slices of pain where they cut her skin. The wind roared and howled, and thick darkness descended on them so fast it was as though a light was switched off. It was only her fingers tangled in her mates’ clothing that anchored her.
“Take us somewhere safe, Lucie. Take us out of here,” Kyel yelled over the cacophony of the storm.
She closed her eyes, seeking that warm place in her mind that all four of them could be together. Blackness descended and all images slipped through her mind as through there was no place to cling. She thought of her bedroom in the palace. The beautiful garden outside. The calming lounge area she’d spent many nights with their parents and sister. She couldn’t seem to hold the image in her mind.
“I... can’t. It’s not letting me. It’s too strong.” Lucie sobbed into Kyel’s broad chest.
Another clash of thunder boomed. The gale force wind sent them staggering. Kyel’s strong arms wrapped around her when Juliran was ripped away from their huddled group, gripped by an invisible force. Kyel and Zaen fisted their hands in his shirt and drew him back to them. He wrapped his arms about Lucie and his brothers, clinging to them.
“Keep close, brother. It wants to separate us,” Zaen said.
“It’s fighting Lucie—fighting us—every step of the way,” Zaen said, cupping the back of her head in his large palm.
“It wants to separate us,” Zaen said.
“If it succeeds, we won’t stand a chance,” Juliran said.
“We have to mate-sync. Together we will be stronger,” Kyel said.
“But how can we do that? This is not real. We’re in Lucie’s mind. We can only mate-sync in our physical bodies.” Juliran flinched as the cyclonic wind smashed over a table and send a lamp crashing to the floor.
“Lucie, you’re in control. Imagine somewhere safe you can take us all to.” Zaen tightened his hold around her.
The wind snatched her clothes and whipped her hair about her face. All she could do was cling to her mates and bury her head against Kyel’s broad, warm chest. She was blinded. Confused. Terrified.