Zaen’s lids half closed as he leaned down and covered her mouth with his. His lips molded to hers as though they were a matching half. He captured her bottom lip before suckling it into the heat of his mouth.
A fission of shivers erupted throughout her body. Heat uncoiled between her legs as a sigh rippled through her mind. He captured her lips again, more urgently, before sliding his tongue into the well of her mouth.
She accepted him, letting her tongue skim against his. His flavor burst into her mouth, tasting as masculine as his scent. Her hands moved over the curve of his shoulders and she pressed her breasts against the hard plane of his chest.
Her nipples pebbled, sensitivity heightened. Tiny tingles pulsed with each pump of her heart to catch into the quickly building furnace inside her. She leaned more fully into him, needing contact from knee to mouth.
“How does he feel, Lucie? How does our brother taste? Do you like it?’ Kyel whispered into her ear. His fingers skimmed her hair back behind her ear, fueling her desire.
The only answer she could give Kyel was a deep moan from the back of her throat as Zaen increased the intensity of their kiss. His arms tightened around her, locking her against him and keeping the world at bay. Her fingers slid into the soft silk of his hair. His arm braced around her waist, a steady band of steel that could fend off the weight of the world.
A warm, hard body came behind her, hands resting on her shoulders. She knew at once it was Juliran, the gentlest of the three. How she knew this, she couldn’t fathom. How she was kissing one brother amongst all of them she also couldn’t understand except that it felt soright, as though the world had righted from its off-axis.
Juliran nuzzled behind her ear, a just-there nudge of his nose, the hint of his warm breath across the sensitive skin of her neck, the nip of firm lips along her hair line.
She shivered, as bone-deep heat stoked her fast-climbing arousal. She moved her hand from Zaen’s shoulders back to cup the back of Juliran’s neck.
“That’s right, Lucie,” he said, voice husky. “You can touch me. Press back into me. Let me show you what you do to me. What seeing you kiss my brother does to me.”
His palms opened over her hips and he tugged her backside against his hardness. He groaned, nipping her earlobe as he pressed his cock into the crease of her cheeks. She should have been shocked. Outraged even, but she couldn’t muster up those feelings at all.
Zaen pulled back, breaking their kiss. Confused, she stared at his lips that shone with their kiss. A palm turned her head and her half-lidded gaze fell on Kyel.
“I’m going to kiss you now, Lucie. I want to taste you so bad it’s like an itch under my skin. I want to scratch it, but I never want it to go away. I just want to kiss your mouth right now. Can I do that, Lucie? Will you let me kiss your mouth after Zaen?”
A far part if her mind flickered with the thought that it was wrong. That she really shouldn’t want this, but a closer part, the part that was more urgent and louder, made her trace Kyel’s stubbled cheek with her hand before coaxing him close. With a slight flex of her fingers, he swooped down on her.
He kissed as aggressively as he spoke. Commandeering. Severe. Masterful. She leaned against Juliran as Kyel controlled her mouth. His tongue dipped between her lips. His lips nibbled, nudged, and caressed and she let him do any damn thing he wanted to her.
Her nipples were pinched between a gentle, but firm thumb and forefinger before hot palms encased her breasts, massaging the sensitive mounds.
“I want to kiss your breasts just like I kissed your mouth. I want to lave your nipples and nibble them. I want to give you an edge of pain before I soothe it away with my tongue.” Zaen’s voice was as rough and needy as she felt.
She moaned into Kyel’s kiss as Juliran sucked her earlobe into his hot mouth. Zaen worshiped her breasts with both hands and she arched into his touch. Her clothing was too tight. Too restrictive. She needed the feel of hot skin over hard muscle surrounding her. Possessing her. Owning her.
She grew slick between her legs, her body heating with an untold urgency. She wanted. Needed. She groaned, this time with a throaty edge. She wanted them—all of them—with an urgency she couldn’t define.
The world tilted and spun. Black edged her vision. Their hands firmed on her body as she fell into a deep, dark hole. Spinning. Spinning. So dark she was momentarily blind. She reached for them, fingers sliding through empty air.
She tried to open her eyes, tried to scream, but the oxygen was sucked right out of the air. She choked, gasping, suffocating. She smacked into hard ground. It took her a moment to gather her wits enough to open her eyes.
Through bleary tears she saw the front door to the diner from outside on the curb, crumpled on the hard concrete. Grant strode towards her and knelt in front of her. “Lucie? Are you okay? You tripped?”
She came up on her hands, her arms shaking. She peered about, looking for the brothers, but they were nowhere to be seen. “Where are...?”
White fog descended, making thinking akin to walking through thick sludge.
“Who? Lucie, are you all right? You didn’t crack your head, did you?”
She pressed shaking fingers to her forehead. She couldn’t think. Why couldn’t she think? It was all too hard. “I… think so.”
“Come. Let me help you stand.” Grant cupped his hands beneath her elbows and steadied her as she regained her balance.
She’d been doing something tremendously important. Something that felt so right it seemed wrong not to be doing it. Hadn’t she just been speaking with the brothers? And why? She gasped, trying to shake the cobwebs free in her mind, but they stuck fast.
“Are you sure you’re all right, Luce?”
She squinted into Grant’s blurry face. His features lacked definition. His mouth was indistinct, his eyes not quite the right color, but the next time she blinked, her vision was sharper and she saw him frowning down at her.