Page 14 of The Erion Triad

“Your name is on your badge,” Kyel said.

Juliran spotted her name badge on her top covering. She placed a hand over it as relief washed over her face. “Yes. Of course. Silly me. Would you like a table?”

Kyel nodded. “That would be appropriate.”

Her full lips twisted in a smile. “Appropriate. That’s one word for it, I guess. Please follow me.”

She led them through the eating house, or restaurant as she called it. Loud music and talking filled the air, and staff hustled about, delivering food and cleaning tables. Neon signs and images of people dancing and holding instruments of various sorts lined the walls. The females that weren’t working as their Lucie was, wore clothing of full skirts while the males wore suits of some kind.

At the far end of the restaurant stood a darkened, empty stage. Instruments littered the stage floor. Above the stage was a sign—Live Band, Karaoke, Saturday Nights.He had no idea what that meant, but if it had materialized here in Lucie’s mind, then it must be important.

Families grouped around tables, eating and laughing, the children making a huge mess. He wondered briefly where all the members were. He only saw two parents, but then he remembered that Lucie had told them one time Quads were not formed on Earth. There was one male and one female parent between sometimes many children and he had wondered how only two parents coped looking after so many young.

The family groups looked no less loving, but this was certainly different than what he was used to. An errant thought occurred to him. Had Lucie felt the same way about their Homeland? What they took for granted was all new for her. It felt surreal for him to be here, even in this short time. Had she felt the same? The thought sat uncomfortably with him. He would need to speak to his brothers about it.

“Here you go.” She gestured to the empty table and waited for them to slide around the U-shaped seat that framed a central table that was far too snug for their large bodies. The males in the eating house weren’t as large as they were and fitted a lot better. His thighs scraped the bottom of the table and his spine was pushed right back into the seating cushion.

Condiments rested in the middle of the table, as did menus wrapped in a plastic material that had been outlawed on their Homeland due to its non-biodegradable properties. Species of animals had nearly become extinct due to their manufacturing stupidity before the Homelands woke up and manufactured similar, yet far better options that didn’t hurt the land or the animals.

“Oh, dear. Would you like me to find you another table?” She wrung her hands and her gaze bounced between them.

“There is no need, Lucie. We are fine here.” Zaen smiled up at her.

She faltered, a frown scrunched her forehead. She started at Zaen for a long moment. Juliran bent his fingers around the edge of the table, watching her closely, waiting for a hint of recognition.Anything.

She shook her head and she touched the tip of her writing device to the pad and Juliran sank back into his seat, shoulders slumping. “What would you like to order?”

“We are… new in town. What would you propose?’ Kyel asked.

She blinked, her eyes glazed. “I… I’d start with the Bill Hayley Burgers with fries and the Perry Como Shake. That should fill anyone the size of you guys up.”

“Luce. Tables eight and twelve need to be cleared!” A harried-looking man covered in sweat called from the cooking area. He was the only person in there.

Lucie gave them a thin smile. “I’ll put your order in and be right back with some water.”

Juliran watched her tear off the docket she’d used to take their order, add it to a line of paper fluttering in front of the cook before turning back to the empty tables to clear the dishes piled on top.

“Miss?’ Someone called from a nearby table, catching her attention. She went over.

There was too much work for her to do. Although she tried to hide it, Juliran saw her stretch her back. As she walked away from the people, there was a slosh and a cry, and a drink spilt across the floor.

“I’m so sorry. It just slipped from his fingers,” the young mother said.

“That’s all right. This is what I’m here for.” Lucie darted behind the counter and returned with a cloth, making quick work of cleaning up the spilt drink. “I’ll get another one for you.”

A bell sounded as the cook stacked up a line of plates. “Table fourteen ready.”

Lucie threw the cleaning cloth in a sink, stacked the dishes in her arms, and made her way to a rowdy table.

“She is working herself to death,” Kyel said, more than a touch of anger in his voice.

“Why is she doing this?” Zaen said.

Juliran eyed the tables yet to the cleared. She was just too busy to get to them. He glimpsed another waitress in the crowd but she was as busy as Lucie.

Working their females like this was untenable. He rose from the table and cleared their plates. Zaen and Kyel also picked up some of the stacks of dishes, following his lead.

“What are you doing! That’s my job. Here, let me take those and you go sit down.” Lucie rushed over to them, her eyes wide. She made to take the plates and he simply held them over his head out of her reach.