Page 42 of The Erion Triad

Chapter Sixteen


Would she take that final step and offer herself to these three men? Could she? Was she capable? Would they still accept her even though all her flaws had been laid bare?

She stepped away from them, distancing herself. She let her gaze flow over them, committing every little detail to memory. Juliran’s eyes softened as he regarded her. A smile tugged at Zaen’s mouth and Kyel traced his fingertip along the line of her jaw.

Together they were stronger. She’d learned never to rely on anyone, and yet how could she live without these men. Her mates. They’d rescued her from the torture of the reptiles. Been by her side everyday helping her to heal from her ordeal at the palace. They’d even followed her into the construct of her mind to help her.

Her men. Her mates. She could no more leave them, than she could her torrid past. While her past had shaped her, she looked at her future right in the eyes.

Hadn’t she always wanted someone just to love her? Treat her with kindness? It had been why she’d opened her heart again and again, but she’d been looking in the wrong places. Now she didn’t have to look any further.

These men were here for her. They weren’t going to hurt her. They were going to love her. She hadn’t paused to think about how she felt about them. The voice had never given her the headspace to think about it, but now she didn’t think she could live without them.

She didn’twantto.

She clenched her fist over her heart as the brittle wall she’d built around it began to shatter. Hot tears blurred her vision and she untied the cord from her waist and let the robe fall to pool around her feet. The warm air whispered over her skin. Her nipples pebbled beneath the heated intensity in their eyes.

She stood wordlessly before them naked, body and soul. Offering herself. Waiting.

They stalked towards her as one. Kyel’s fingers ploughed through her hair. He tilted her head back and his mouth descended. His kiss was brutal and inflamed her veins with heat. His tongue dove into her mouth without mercy. His lips took and his tongue lapped. He pressed the front of his body against hers and she felt the hard neediness of his erection as he ground it into her abdomen. Heat pooled between her thighs and liquid arousal coursed through her veins.

Kyel’s hands slid down her shoulders and trailed down her arms to pin them behind her back, sending goosebumps scattering over her skin. She gasped, and then groaned as the position made her arch her back, her sensitive nipples brushing against the material of Kyel’s T-Shirt.

He spun her around, keeping her hands locked together in the small of her back. Zaen and Juliran were only a hairsbreadth away. The heat from their bodies washed over her and a deep shiver worked through her. She wanted to touch them, for them to touch her, but Kyel held her back.

“Do you accept Zaen and Juliran as well as myself as your Quad? Do you accept the full consequences of the mate sync? Will you join with us now and forever and complete us as no other can? Say the word, mate, and we will worship you as the goddess you are. Now and forever,” Kyel rasped.

Her mind was hazy with desire, her body so sensitive the air felt as though it stroked her skin. There was only one compounding thought in her mind, an insistent need that she’d fought against for too long, something she never should have had to fight against at all. “Yes. Please. I accept all of you. Please… please join with me and form our Quad. Please, Kyel. Zaen. Juliran. Accept me. Take my body, my mind, my soul. Make me yours and make you mine.”

“We love you, our mate. We always have. You will never be alone again. Through our bond you will only know happiness, tenderness and love. This is my promise to you.” Zaen fell upon her mouth. His tongue dove into her hot, wet heat, gliding against her tongue in a deep, languid sweep, while his hands covered her breasts. He rolled her nipples between his fingers, crushed the sensitive tissue in his large palms, stroked her flesh with a masterful touch.

Juliran fell to his knees. His hands splayed over her thighs, branding her with his touch. She felt his warm breath flare over her pussy. She widened her stance and parted her thighs before he leaned forward. He held her nether lips apart with his thumbs and planted his face between her thighs. His chin nudged her legs further apart. His tongue slid through her folds, licking, laving, savoring and his nose rubbed against her clit, edging her higher and higher.

He slid his tongue along her cleft, circled her clit with the tip around and around before taking it into his mouth and sucking. Hard.

Kyel nibbled her earlobe and trailed wet, light little kisses down her neck before opening his mouth and biting down on the part of her body where her neck met her shoulder.

She jolted and an electric sensation whipped through her body. Her orgasm burst through her like a tsunami of heat, and it felt like she blew apart and scattered to the ends of the universe before drifting back together once again.

“That’s it, Lucie. Let us care for you. Let us love you,” Kyel murmured onto her ear.

Her legs buckled and he easily caught her in his arms. He lifted her and deposited her onto the soft bed.

Zaen wrapped his hands around each ankle. His eyes glowed bright blue. She gasped when she felt the power of his gaze locking with her. “I need to taste you as well, mate. May I taste you? May I put my mouth on your pussy and lick you until you scream and eat you as you find your pleasure?”

All she could do was draw a shaky breath and nod. She wanted him there. She would open herself to him and let him taste her most intimate part of her body. She realized she would let him do anything he wanted to her because she knew he would never hurt her, or take her selfishly, or use her in any way. Her pleasure was his, and his was hers. He was Zaen, one of the most precious souls she’d ever known. His love pulsed around her. Through her. It was so pure, so strong and unending.

He kissed his way up her body and she eagerly parted her thighs. She was seared with his fingers, his tongue, his mouth. Her flesh quivered wherever he touched her. Her blood was on fire, needing him to kiss her there. Her body pulsed with an almost painful need.

Finally, he reached the juncture of her thighs. He lay on his stomach and sank his face into her pussy. She jerked with the first touch and would have slid away if hands hadn’t kept her in place.

As Zaen sank his tongue through her cleft and speared her, she looked up to see Kyel over her. He was blessedly undressed, on his knees at her shoulders, and fisted his rock-solid cock. Zaen laved her and kissed her between her thighs, her blood screaming for more.

Kyel’s hand circled the base of his cock and drew it up and down his shaft. His eyes were dark, and her gaze ran over his horns, down his face, over the swirling tattoos on his body and rock-hard pecs, and down to his cock. He owned a body for war, for fighting, for survival and god, if that didn’t make her hotter.

She had to touch him. Had to taste him. Couldn’t stand to lie there and merely watch him. She gripped the base of his cock. He shucked in a quick breath as she circled his width before sliding her hands along his hard length just as he’d done moments before. His hands fisted on his hips and he swayed as she worked him with her hand.