Page 57 of The Ozar Triad

Kyel inclined his head. “If you would, please enlighten us with this new enemy.”

Rujali cleared his throat. He clenched and unclenched his fists. “Again, we have never heard of this species, just like humans, but prepare yourself. I have not even told our mate of the depth of evil of these creatures. They have been abducting human women for decades. They found Earth and conducted scientific experiments with the humans. They were particularly interested in the females.”

Setzan noted a green flush steeling over the skin of the Erion Triad. It seemed they were just as angered.

“And why would that be?” Kyel asked.

“It seems that human females have a connection to other dimensions. Something about the electro-magnetic fields of their bodies extending beyond the physical. An entity, apart from the physical Universe of Earth, was able to use this connection to control the scaled ones into abducting hundreds of human females.” Rujali said.

“There are other dimensions?” Kyel said.

Setzan nodded. “It it’s hard to believe, but there are indeed different dimensions. Different universes. Human females have access to all of them.”

“To what end?” Paxt asked.

“They harnessed this power to mind-enslave entire planets in her Universe. They had targeted Earth next,” Rujali said.

There was a collective gasp between the Triads. Setzan had experienced the same reaction when he’d first heard of this treachery. Still, he could barely comprehend it.

“There was a long-lasting war in Riley’s universe. Planets combined forces to fight these scaled ones, and up until recently, they were unsuccessful. None of the inhabitants were capable of providing the power of the human females. Recently, one planet was saved, due to the power of just one human woman. It was just about impossible for this to happen.”

“They are that strong, these human females?” Zaen from the Erion Triad spoke for the first time.

Rujali nodded. “They arethatstrong. The story doesn’t end there. Another human female was able to entirely break the mind control of the inhabitants of another planet. This female, our Riley personally knows. Once the scaled ones learned of this, the entity that controlled them made a major push to enter into their universe,’ Rujali said.

“And why would it do that?” Coltan asked.

“Food. It had exhausted every living thing in its own universe and sought to come into existence into Riley’s universe. Again, another human female, this one extremely powerful, defeated it. It almost killed her, but she prevailed. She saved her universe.”

“My gods. I can hardly believe it,” Ashir said, eyes wide.

“But what does it have to do with us? If you don’t know the location of your Riley’s Earth, why are the scaled ones even here?” Kyel asked.

“The entity didn’t just try to infiltrate Riley’s universe. It has invaded many, including ours. Ten years ago to be exact,” Rujali said.

“When our crystals were taken,” Paxt said.

“And we spent ten years fighting one another, accusing each other of theft, when it wasn’t us at all,” Kyel said.

Klaej nodded. “It was the scaled ones. But the scaled ones that are in our Universe are different than in Riley’s universe. They are smarter. More agile. The entity cannot control them like it did in Riley’s universe. They work side by side. This entity has promised them to be kings of our worlds if they help it succeed.”

“What has this to do with our crystals? Why take them?” Coltan said.

“Our crystals connect to the human females’ electro-magnetic fields of their bodies and magnifies their power to access different dimensions. The scaled one told us that they were working on a way to magnify enough power to enable this same entity to enter into our Universe. It is powerful and through the power of the crystals and the human females, they can control it. If they do that… they will be undefeatable,” Rujali said.

And that was the reason they had allowed the two other Triads to enter the Ozar Homeland. Not only did they want peace for their planet, they would need to work together to find the other crystals. The fate of their universe depended on it.

There was a stunned silence while the Triads digested this information.

“Gods. It plans to invade?” Kyel burst out of his seat, as if no longer able to contain his anger.

“It would seem that way,” Rujali said.

“Then it is imperative that we retrieve our crystals,” Paxt said, practically vibrating with rage.

“How many human females have they abducted to this end?” Coltan asked.

“The scaled one said they have taken twelve out of the hundreds they originally abducted from Earth across the secondary dimensional divide. It was all they were able to sneak through when the walls were weakened in their last battle,” Rujali said.