Page 45 of The Ozar Triad

Riley had to close her eyes against the glow. It was like looking into a sun. “Does it always glow so brightly?”

The glow faded. She squinted one eye at it and saw that Setzan had released the crystal.

“This is nothing to how bright it normally is. It powers our city and our entire region. All can see it from the Ozar Tower. When we return it, you’ll see its true power,” Rujali said.

She didn’t want to say that would never happen. Now that they had the crystal, she had to return to Earth. Her heart ached so hard she rubbed her sternum. At least she had been able to do something honorable and help them with something so important.

“Well, we’ll need a spaceship if you hope to get this little beauty back to your home,” she said.

A commotion sounded over the top of the hill at their backs. Hissing, clacking and the distinct noise of engines firing up. Whatever was happening, they weren’t trying to be quiet about it. Now that she looked over Rujali’s shoulder, she saw a glow in the night sky.

“I think we’ve found our way out,” Setzan said.

They shared a look and Rujali started up the hill.

“You can put me down, you know,” she said.

He looked down at her, his eyes deep liquid pools. “You are injured, Riley. It is my pleasure to be able to hold you.”

At the mention of the wordinjured, the open wounds over her body made from the claws began to throb.

She gritted her teeth as she rode out the first wave of pain. “Thanks for the reminder, but my muscles are going to stiffen up if I don’t move soon.”

Rujali sighed, a deep long, drawn out sound, as though he let her slide down his body against his better judgment. She felt every hard muscle against hers as she found her feet. She tapped his chest, trying to hide the pain in her body, but he probably missed nothing. At least he was listening to her.

“Thanks, big guy,” she said. “Now, let’s see what’s happening over the hill.”

She compartmentalized the pain throbbing through her body as they moved in sync to peer over the top of the hill. Although the side of the hill they’d climbed was long, this side was no higher than the roof of a one-floor building. It took her a moment to realize she looked down into the center of a crater.

She could hardly believe her eyes. Various Reptiles ran between an array of crafts on the flat land below them. They weren’t as sleek in design as the one the guys had, but they weren’t far off as far as her untrained eye could tell.

“Will you look at that,” she said, breathless.

“One of those can take us home, brothers,” Klaej said.

A group of Reptiles scattered out of the mouth of a tunnel along the crater wall. A terrible screech rent from deep within the earth.

The worm was on the attack. That wasn’t what held her attention, though. She nudged Rujali and pointed to a Reptile escaping the tunnel system holding a green glowing crystal, while another held the purple crystal. “There!”

The crystals weren’t lost to the worm, but they were still in the clutches of the Reptiles. She felt every muscle in Rujali’s body tense next to her.

“We need to get them, brothers,” Rujali said.

She nodded with Klaej and Setzan. She would do anything to make up for losing them. Her guys could return home heroes and their planet would be saved. It would make up for the fact that she wouldn’t be leaving with them.

They climbed down the other side of the hill, which was easy as the monsters scattered towards the crafts before the worm could emerge. The Reptile with the purple crystal boarded a craft, and the one with the green headed in another direction.

“They’re separating!” Riley said. The engines whines grew louder, the sound making her wince.

“They’re nearly powered up.” Setzan said.

“Riley, do you think you can come with me?” Rujali yelled over the noise of the engines.

Adrenaline coursed through her body, which was a natural painkiller. As soon as it wore off, she knew she would be in trouble. But that would be later.

“I’m good,” she said. “Let’s get those crystals.”

Rujali nodded and indicated his direction as he spoke. “We separate. Setzan. Klaej. Go left. Riley and I will head to the jets on the right and we will catch them in the center. There is no time to waste brothers.”