Page 24 of The Ozar Triad

“How does she taste, brother?” Rujali’s soft growl penetrated the haze in her brain.

She was so strummed out, she barely registered Klaej still lapping at her sensitive flesh. She glanced down her body to see him staring at her, keeping eye contact as he swirled his tongue around her clit. She drew in a sharp breath and her body jerked as sensation flickered through her body.

His mouth curved in a satisfied smile, the glint in his eyes almost evil.

“She is a rare delicacy. One I will be forever hungry for.” Klaej eased his fingers in and out of her in slow strokes, teasing her, keeping her on an edge where arousal simmered through her veins.

She’d never seen a look quite like that—between longing and joy, worship and eagerness. The men she’d slept with went down on her as a duty, a thing they did before penetration, and they never wore a look quite like the one Klaej had on his face. Nor did he shift to position himself at her entrance like she expected.

“Then I will taste her and satisfy my curiosity. Hold her, Setzan, so that I may have my fill,” Rujali said.

“Of course, brother. Anything for her pleasure.” Setzan shifted behind her and settled her back on his chest, his legs on either side of her. He pressed his erection into her back, as though he couldn’t help touching her with every inch of his body.

Rujali traced his mouth down her body, leaving a fiery heated trail where his tongue lapped her flesh. He settled between her thighs and his gaze caught on her intimate folds. He stared at her, as though he’d found his most desired treasure.

Riley was no prude, but she didn’t like unwarranted attention on that part of her body, but right here, right now, it was totally hot. And shefeltit to her bones.

“May I… touch you here, in your most intimate of places?” His eyes drifted up her body. “Will you honor me by allowing my touch?”

If it was at all possible, her arousal notched a level higher. She could only nod and part her thighs in answer, her muscles tensing and her body tingling.

He traced her slit with the gentlest of caresses, and yet she jumped as though he’d tapped her with an electric zap.

“So beautiful. So feminine. I can barely… I never thought…” He didn’t finish his sentence as he bent and placed his tongue where his finger had been.

She sucked in a breath and her head bent over Setzan’s shoulder. His hands came to cup both breasts. He rolled her nipples as Rujali entered her with his tongue.

The mix of friction on her breasts and the wet heat made her jerk. Klaej splayed his hands over her hips, locking her in place. His finger massaged as he bent and traced her belly button with his tongue. “What is this on your body, mate?”

“Huh?” She was almost beyond thought as Rujali eased his fingers inside her and played with her clit while Setzan cupped and massages her breasts.

Klaej traced her navel. “This little divot. It’s cute.”

She couldn’t quite reconcile the word ‘cute’ as coming out of a man-mountain.

“I was born with it,” she said.

Her attention locked to their horns and Klaej’s set was within reach. She reached up and traced the edge, surprised to find it covered with fine, soft hairs, like velvet.

He shuddered. She took her hand away for a moment, before realizing that he was waiting for her to touch him again.

She circled his horn and drew her fingers up and down the length. A great groan ripped from his chest and his whole body tensed.

His fingers tightened on her flesh, his tongue barely scraping over her navel. She’d nearly rendered him immobile. Their horns must be incredibly sensitive.

Rujali stared at her from between her parted thighs and while she circled Klaej’s horns, she reached to Rujali with her other hand and swept her fingertips over his horns.

He shuddered and closed his eyes as a look of pure ecstasy washed over his face.

Setzan suckled the tip of her ear. “We like that, mate. Our horns are as sensitive as our cocks. When you touch us like that, it is as though you’ve circled your palms around our shafts and brought us pleasure with your hands.”

Rujali’s eyes blazed as she circled both horns with her hands and dragged her palms along the length and then back again, pumping them as though she held their shafts in her hands. Rujali shuddered and then devoured her.

“Careful, mate. You’re playing with fire,” Setzan said, and damned if she didn’t like the sound of that.

She jerked, and her fingers tightened on their horns as Rujali licked her from her entrance to her clit. He eased his fingers from her entrance to circle her rosebud before sliding the tip of his finger inside while he staked her with his tongue. In and out he slid, using fingers, mouth, tongue.

It was all too much. Too much heat, too much sensation, too much wetness. Her body tensed and she flew into the heights of another climax. On and on it went as Rujali played her body, drawing her climax out until she tipped her head back and keened as she was brought to another glorious height.