Page 8 of The Ozar Triad

Setzan’s fingers twitched with the pulsing need to find their mate. Blind rage fueled his blood and he clenched his teeth to contain himself. Setzan growled, his frustration. The creature squeaked as its tiny black eyes bulged.

“Where is she?” Setzan yelled.

He heard, and felt, the Norvegicus swallow. “You make it very hard not to be extremely frightened of you. It makes business arrangements very uncomfortable.”

“I’m finding it very hard not to pulverize your face.” Setzan’s jaw ached with the pressure of grinding his teeth.

“Put him down, Setzan. He’ll talk if he’s more comfortable, won’t you,drumasturd?” Rujali stepped very close to the Norvegicus and growled.

Setzan knew that particular growl. Rujali was hanging on by a thread, just like he was.

The creature nodded, its small clawed hands desperately scratching at Setzan’s fist. Setzan grimaced as he put the Norvegicus back to its feet. He hoped the scratches didn’t become infected.

Although Norvegicuses were unpleasant, they did also have an excellent sense of smell. Better than Klaej. The creature would have to know the direction their mate had taken after she’d come through by the smell of her blood. That was if it hadn’t stolen her first.

“If you talk, we’ll let you go.’ The creature knew something it wasn’t telling them. Theyalwaysknew something.

Rujali towered over the creature. “Tell us where she is.”

“You know, this is a very poor planet and a person must find coin where he can…” A pained expression crossed the Norvegicus’ face and its paws twisted over and over. “You don’t find females to sell just on any corner. Maybe a few coins will jolt my memory—”

Klaej shouldered past Rujali and roared. Something rattled off the top of a table and crashed onto the floor. The Norvegicus shook so much, Setzan wondered how its cloak remained on it.

“I can always tell when a Norvegicus is lying. You argue, and you evade direct questions, much like you’re doing now, so you have one more chance. Where. Is.She!” Rujali bellowed.

There was splattering sound and another waft of urine. The Norvegicus’ long pink tongue darted out of its mouth and licked its dry lips. “You have to understand. If I knew anything you can be assured I would sell her back to you. Relatively unharmed, I might add.”

“Where?” all three of them yelled.

“In… in the dumpster,” it said, pointing to a door to the right. “Out the back.”

Chapter Four


Klaej splintered the door the Norvegicus indicated with his shoulder. His gaze landed on the standard issue waste container. The smell of her blood was strong, despite the overpowering stench of waste which made his gut churn inside out.

A few short strides took him to the container where a smeared bloody handprint painted the lid. He ripped the lid off its hinges and threw it, barely hearing it clatter down the alley.

Their mate was there, thrown inside as though she was trash.

He leapt over the edge, careful to land on either side of her before gathering her limp body up in his arms.

“Is she..?” Setzan’s voice sounded choked.

Klaej glanced in his direction. Both of his brothers looked as though their still-beating hearts had been ripped from their chests. He brought her to his chest, her body slumped against his. Lifeless.

Silken strands of her hair brushed his bare skin.

He was inadequate. How could he tell if one of her species lived?

He cupped the back of her head, supporting her, his insides twisting in helplessness.

“Brother. Are we too late?” Rajuli’s quiet voice cracked.

“I… I don’t know.” Klaej had never felt so helpless holding their mate. He was a fighter. Knew how to work things out with his blade and his fists, but now, having this precious female in his arms, made him realize just how vulnerable he truly was. The universe could really hurt him now.

Her head slid backwards, and glazed large brown orbs stared at him. His entire body tensed and his chest rumbled. Her small hands rose to his biceps. Her grip was weak, but there was a sense of rightness when she touched him.