Page 58 of The Ozar Triad

Setzan didn’t know that. He faced Rujali. “Does that also mean that there is no way Riley can return to Earth?”

This was now her Homeland, but they would have visited her own planet with her.

“If we ever do discover a planet named Earth in our dimension, it will not be the same Earth that Riley comes from. She can never return,” Rujali said.

The air punched from Klaej’s chest. “I’m gonna kill them all.”

“Get in line, brother,” Setzan said. “Get in line.”

“This species must be eradicated from our Universe, our crystals retrieved, and these human females rescued,” Paxt said.

Although they had been at war for centuries, planetwide their females were precious. There was only one born to every Quad, so there were many more males to females in all of the three Homelands.

There were murmurs of agreement from all males.

Setzan heard voices at their door.

“And now thanks to you, I can find my own Triad. It’s so romantic!” Jaiya’s voice drifted to them right before the doors opened to reveal their sister and their mate.

“Mate!” Klaej was out of his chair and across the room before Riley had taken two steps inside. “You should be resting.”

He put a protective arm about her shoulders.

“Klaej! I’m just pregnant. Not made of glass.” She laughed.

Setzan followed Rujali to be by her side. He gathered Riley against him, swallowing her with an arm about her shoulders.

“Have they always been like this?” Riley laughed. It was good to see her laughing, which she did freely now. He only saw shadows of the cautious soldier she had been in those first few weeks after their arrival.

“Not now they have you to coddle,” Jaiya laughed.

“It is true? Your mate is with child?”

Setzan’s attention crossed to Kyel. All six males’ gazes were focused on Riley with an intensity that raised his protective hackles.

Rujali threw an arm over Setzan’s chest stopping him moving towards the Triads. “Easy, Setzan.”

Setzan forced his feet backwards with a tremendous effort that left him shaking.

“It is true. Our Riley will be the first to give birth to our sons. We have also had reports of Quads forming and early reports of successful pregnancies throughout our Homeland.” Rujali’s voice poured with the same pride that strummed through Setzan’s body.

“And who are you?’ Riley peered at the Arabis and Erion Triads.

Rujali formally introduced them.

“Riley!” Rujali barked. Although the Triads were being civil, there was still a lot of animosity and history between their Homelands. He still couldn’t be sure of the other Royals’ reaction to their mate.

Riley walked to them, holding out her hand. Klaej went to follow her, but she shooed him back. “Relax. I’m just going to welcome them in a traditional Earth greeting.”

It was unheard of for females to touch other males, and the Triads looked taken back as Riley approached.

“Hi. I’m Riley. From Earth.” She stood in front of Kyel with her hand held out.

Kyel frowned at her open palm.

“You shake her hand, Kyel. It is how humans greet each other,” Rujali said.

Kyel studied their faces, before slowly extending his hand.