Page 47 of The Ozar Triad

“Where do you think you’re going, mate?” Rujali’s black eyes gleamed while he looked down at her without any expression on his face at all.

The bottom kicked out of her gut. There was no hiding the fact she was trying to leave. She reacted without thought, kicking, lashing, contorting. She nearly wrenched her arms out of their sockets in her desperation to be free.

“Let me go! I can’t do this! It’s too much! I don’t... please... I can’t...” Her breath chopped in and out of her mouth, her chest tightened painfully, her lungs were far too small, too full. She recognized the sound of a scared animal before she realized it came from her. Grey edged her vision. Her head floated, light-headed with a racing heart and lack of oxygen, but she couldn’t seem to stop herself. Whatever had her in its grip had a hold she couldn’t shake off.

There was a flash of blue at her neck and a warm tingle invaded her body, negating the ability to use her limbs. Rujali caught her as her legs gave out. He hooked an arm beneath her knees and another around the back of her shoulders. Her head came to rest against the broad expanse of his chest, enough to see Klaej behind her, shoving the analgesic device back into his belt.

That fucking device. She couldn’t even lift a finger.

“Looks like you need some help, brother,” Klaej said as he peered down at her, his eyes unreadable.

An internal shiver worked through her. Gone was any gentleness she’d come to recognize in his eyes, instead replaced with seriousness and intent. She knew with all certainty that they would never let her leave. Ever. The decision was out of her hands. She was theirs. And god help her if tingles didn’t erupt inside her at the thought.

“Let’s get her inside, the mess cleaned out, and this ship on the way home. She needs medical attention. Then we will decide what we will do with her,” Rujali said.

She looked to Setzan for any sign of warmth, but there was none to be found in his serious expression. He turned without a word. With a sinking heart, she watched him disappear through the doorway without a backward glance.

She looked back up at Rujali. To her horror, a wet tear escaped her eye. She couldn’t wipe away that little piece of weakness.

“I’m a soldier,” she said. “You have to understand. I had to try.”

Rujali carried her up the ramp and settled her on the couch that ran the perimeter of the circular room. She watched as Setzan and Klaej threw the bodies of the Reptiles out of the door before Setzan slammed his palm on a panel. The ramp retracted and the doorway closed shut with a hiss.

Rujali settled on his haunches in front of her. “You are a soldier, yes, but you are also our mate. On the outside you are tough. Hardened. But on the inside, I think you have never felt what it means to be truly loved. You are afraid, more of yourself than of us. Before we reach our Homeland, you will fully understand all that being our mate entails. And you will never leave our side. You will never want to.”

Rujali disappeared into the cabin and she was left alone with the turmoil of her thoughts, helpless. The craft vibrated and then they lifted upwards. There was a lurch where her stomach felt as though it came outside her body, and then there was nothing but smoothness.

One by one, all three filed back into the circular room she lay in and surrounded her. Rujali unbuttoned her vest and took it off her, while Klaej removed her pants. Setzan cleaned her wounds with a cloth which took the blood and dirt away from her skin. Her body looked like it was a pin cushion of claw marks and a part of her was thankful she couldn’t feel a thing.

When they’d finished inspecting every inch of her and attending to every wound, Klaej folded his massive arms about his chest while he stared impassively down at her. Setzan put his hands on his hips, his expression sharp and hungry.

A shiver stole down her spine and she couldn’t compensate to hide it. Her nipples pebbled and her groin throbbed. Heat flickered from her core all the way through her.

She licked dry lips. “Please…”

“Hush, mate. Golden eyes or not, you tried to leave us. Now you must face the consequences of your actions.” Rujali’s commanding voice was like warm gravel. She felt his words as though they were a caress.

There was no hesitation as they reached for her as one.

Chapter Nineteen


Rujali’s warm breath fanned over Riley’s naked breasts. Her nipples were so sensitive, the air felt as though it stroked her skin.

“We don’t blame you for your actions. You don’t know the significance of binding a Trio into a Quad,” Rujali said. He trailed a fingertip beneath her breasts, in a feather-light, teasing touch.

She felt herself grow wet and slick, and they’d barely even touched her. An unbidden moan escaped her mouth. If only she could move. She would arch her back and into his palm.

“You are a soldier, and loyalty is to be commended. But now your loyalties have changed to us. For us,” Setzan said.

“We are more than just a Quad. We are a family. Families are eternal. Intimate. Once you give your soul and sync with us, there can be no more doubt. We know you will miss your world, but you will find a new world with us. Know that we would take you to your planet if we knew where it was. We don’t wish to abduct you as our prisoner. You are more than our equal. More than life to us. We welcome you to our Homeland. Our Trio and ourselves. To us, you are everything,” Klaej said.

Riley’s vision blurred as their words filtered their way into her soul. They were so adamant. So in sync with their needs and thoughts. Surely she’d just be the fourth wheel. An outsider. How could she ever compare with such intimacy?

“I see the conflict in your expression. We have spoken the words, now let us show you in actions.” Rujali bent and devoured her breast with his mouth.

She gasped out loud as the wet, searing heat covered her sensitive tissue. He sucked and an electric thrill shot from her nipple straight to her pussy. She flooded with heat. With slick wetness. A hollow ache formed between her legs, an overwhelming need to be filled. She couldn’t move to open them to relieve the pressure. This was torture of the greatest intensity.