She sucked in two quick breaths. “What the fuck did you just do to me, you asshats? If you’ve tagged me to sell in some slavers’ market like some livestock, after you’ve raped and pillaged me, I’m gonna tear your balls right off your body and stuff ’em down your throat.”
Setzan’s eyes lit. His gaze roamed between Rujali and Klaej before dropped to their mate. “I can understand her!”
“We will not sell you as livestock. You are much too valuable for that,” Klaej said.
“You will not swear like that either, mate. It is unattractive for a female of your beauty,” Rujali said, a slight frown warred with his worry.
Her plump, kissable mouth fell open. Her tongue darted out.
There was an answering tightening in his groin.
“What? How?” Her voice was breathy and thin, as though she couldn’t get enough air into her lungs.
“Klaej fitted you with a translator device,” he said.
“How do you feel, mate? I hope I did not hurt you.” Klaej bent over her, his skin flashing with spots of crimson.
Setzan took a hold of her hand. “Just say the word, and I will knock Klaej’s skull with my fist if he has caused you any discomfort at all.”
Her startled gaze went from Klaej to Setzan. “I… I… Give me back my body.”
Setzan’s gaze drew down her naked form and back up to her eyes again. Her cheeks grew a delectable shade of pink.
“I’m enjoying the view too much to do that,” Setzan said.
She whimpered, and Rujali growled at Setzan. She might be angry, but she was also scared.
Rujali shifted and her eyes locked in him. “My apologies. It’s not my intention to scare you, however you are hurt and your shoulder will cause you pain if the analgesic is removed. Klaej will have to treat it, and if we allowed the pain receptors to return, you would be uncomfortable.”
“I don’t care. Let me move. I know you can do it. Just flick that red button with that device thing. I’m used to pain. It won’t be anything different to me,” she said.
Rujali caught the distraught look on Klaej’s face.
“Our mate will not feel pain,” he said.
He was right. It was up to them to make these types of decisions for their mate. “You will remain like this until we are sure you will not suffer.”
“You can’t do that to me! I demand you set me free.” The muscles worked at her jaw.
He would like to have softened and given in to her wish, but the thought of her suffering was greater. Besides, he wouldn’t put it past her to fight again and cause herself more injury. That would not do at all. She had to be healed and free of any pain before they would claim her.
And he did like looking at her naked body too much. It was selfish, but she was their mate and would soon be comfortable in such a state. He also intended to be naked in her presence in return and spend many a pleasurable hour without the need for any clothing.
“Klaej will clean and dress your wounds, then after that we will bathe you and wash off the residue of the refuse we found you in.” Rujali said.
Klaej grunted his affirmation. He pushed on one of the inlaid cabinets in the wall and the steri-cabinet opened silently, sliding out to reveal packed shelves of equipment. He set about retrieving the materials he needed, placing them on a metallic table that he could wheel closer to her when he had everything in place.
“How did you come to be there? Tell us who put you there and we will seek retribution,” Setzan said.
Their mate kept her gaze trained on Klaej. She was wary. That meant she was also intelligent and aware. That was good. He wanted an intelligent mate who would keep him on his toes. It seemed the fates had heard their prayers after all.
Klaej set the steri-cleansers and bandages on the table next to the medi-bed. Her attention remained on the objects. He went to wipe away the blood that streaked her arm.
“Stop,” she said.
Klaej’s hand hovered over her wound. “My mate?”
Her gaze darted to Rujali. “Why are you helping me? What do you want from me?”