Page 87 of Crossroads of Love

“I don’t…”

“I know that you’re freaked out. It’s okay. I won’t let him come near you again. I have a PI friend I’m going to reach out to. I will make sure that Hank leaves town and never looks back.”

She closes her eyes and nods. I kiss her neck gently.

“I’m going to go outside and call the PI and to order the pizza.”

She nods again. I let go of her and walk back out the front door. I quickly order the pizza and then dial Nate’s number.

I pace across the sidewalk. My mind is racing, and I can’t shake the image of Hank’s wall—covered in photos of Lena and Jayla, pictures of them from different angles, different moments.

How long has this been going on? How deep does this obsession run? How dare he show up here? What would he have done had Lena let him in?

Finally, Nate answers. “Hey, Gav. What’s going on?”

“Hey, I’m going to text you the name and address of a guy here in Hicks Creek. I need you to look into him. I went to his house today, and he’s got pictures of my girlfriend and niece all over his wall. There are photos of my late brother, too. Something isn’t right. I was at his house today to talk to him, and then he showed up at Lena’s house tonight, and he’s never done that before.”

“Look, you need to keep an eye on Lena and Jayla. Don’t let your guard down, not even for a second. I don’t know what we’re dealing with here, but it sounds like this guy’s a little ballsy.”

“I thought the same thing,” I say, pacing again. “I’m not letting either of them out of my sight. Lena doesn’t know any of this yet, and I don’t want to tell her until I have more to go on. But I need answers fast, Nate. I’ll pay extra if it means you can dig deeper, faster.”

“I’m already on it,” he replies. “Do you have any other possible names for him? The one you gave me isn’t popping up anything.”

“No, that’s the name Dad put on the deed and the one everyone in town knows him by.”

“If he’s stalking someone, I doubt this is his first time doing so. There has to be more on him. I’ll do more digging. Be careful. If this guy’s obsessed with Lena, he might already be watching. You don’t want to spook him until we know more.”

“I know,” I say, my jaw tightening. “I’m not going to do anything that’ll tip him off. I’ll keep things as normal as I can...but I’m making sure Lena and Jayla are protected. Whatever it takes.”

“I’ll be in touch as soon as I have something.”

We hang up, and I stand there for a moment, looking around to see if I can catch a glimpse of Hank lurking in the shadows anywhere.

An hour later, we’re gathered in the living room, surrounded by pizza boxes and soda cans, and it feels…almost normal. I’m sitting on the couch, one arm draped over the back, watching Jayla and Lena as the movie flickers on the screen. The dim light from the TV casts a soft glow on their faces. Jayla’s in the middle, curled up in a ball, holding a slice of pizza with both hands like it’s a treasure. Lena’s on the far side, legs tucked under her, staring at the screen but not really watching. I can tell she’s distracted, distant, and still shaken from Hank’s earlier visit.

I glance at her, trying to catch her eye, but she’s focused on the TV. A sigh escapes me before I know it.

“Hey, Jayla, what’s the movie called again?” I ask.

She looks up at me, sauce smeared on her cheek. I chuckle, reaching over to grab a napkin from the coffee table.

“I don’t know,Spacesomething or other.”

“Didn’t you say that you’ve seen it like five times? How do you not remember?”

She shrugs, taking another bite. “I don’t pay attention to the names. Just the explosions.”

I grin, shaking my head. “Of course. Why did I even ask?”

Lena chuckles softly next to her. I catch the flicker of her smile, though. It’s there, just hiding behind whatever’s weighing on her mind.

“Do you really think it’s a good idea for you to be watching this right before bed?” Lena asks, her tone teasing, though a little distant. “Last time, you had nightmares about aliens.”

Jayla waves her pizza slice in the air dramatically. “That was one time! And I wasn’t scared of the aliens; it was just a really loud part, and I wasn’t ready for it.”

Lena snorts, leaning back. “Sure, because jumping off the couch and yelling wasn’t fear at all.”

“Exactly!” she says, and Lena lets out another quiet laugh. It’s faint, but it’s something.