“You’re not tipsy texting either.” She laughs.
I grin back at her and giggle, too.
It’s been a very long time since I’ve felt this happy, this free.
Chapter Thirteen
“Can we go see Uncle Gavin?” Jayla asks the following morning.
I cock my head as I look back at her suspiciously. “Why?”
“I was rude and would like to apologize. I also want to ask him to come to my game tonight.”
I smile back at her. It’s not easy to admit when you were wrong and apologize, so this is a big step.
“I’m sure he’d love that. We can head over there now since you’re done with your chores.”
“Thanks, Mom.” She grins widely. “I was thinking, too.”
“Oh yeah?” I giggle as I grab my purse, keys, and cell phone before starting out the door. “About what?”
“I know Uncle Gavin didn’t have a good relationship with Grandpa and even really with Dad. I understand why he stayed away. I’ve been holding that against him, and that’s not very fair. If you can forgive me, then we should do the same for Uncle G.”
I cock an eyebrow and try to hide the surprise on my face.
Damn, she’s more mature than me.
“That’s really grown-up of you, Jayla. I’m…I should take a page out of your book, I guess.”
“He’s been really great to us since he got here. I think that’s what we should focus on.”
“When did you get so wise?”
“I think I heard it on TikTok or something.” She shrugs nonchalantly as we climb into the Bronco.
I giggle as I start the car and pull out of the driveway and steer toward my farm.
“Well, that’s way better than the crazy dances you normally find.”
She laughs and nods. “You know, me not having access to my phone is good because I’m actually looking around at the scenery on the way to Grandpa’s. I forgot how pretty it is out here.”
“We get so caught up in screens that we forget to look around sometimes.”
We’re pulling into the driveway a few minutes later, but Gavin’s car isn’t there.
“Oh dang, I guess we should have called first,” Jayla says.
Just as I’m about to pull out my phone, Gavin comes out the front door and waves from the front porch. Jayla is out the door before I even get the car shut off. I’m close behind her.
“Where’s the Masi?” Jayla asks.
“It was a rental. They picked it up this morning. It’s not really useful on these backroads. I figured I’d drive Dad’s truck from now on.”
“Oh, Gramps would have loved that,” Jayla gushes. “I’m glad it will get put to use. I didn’t know what would happen to it.”
“To what do I owe the pleasure of you two beauties?”