Page 5 of Crossroads of Love

“There is nowe.”

I pull away from him, looking back at him quickly. My stomach drops, and I want to puke.

Did I hear him right? Is this a bad dream?

My breath catches in my throat, tears pricking at my eyes as panic claws at my chest.

“Excuse me?”

“Lena, we can’t be going to parties as a couple back home. No one can know that we’re fuck buddies.”

“Fuck buddies?”

Fuck buddies? Did he really just say that?

The panic is still there, but it’s being pushed down by my white-hot anger.

How dare this motherfucker!

“You know what I mean. I…I told you that we couldn’t be in a relationship because of Aaron. He still has feelings for you, and I don’t want to—”

“Younevertold me we couldn’t be in a relationship. I would have walked away if you had. You also have introduced me as yourgirlfriendto your friends. We’re together constantly.”

“That’s not back home. We can’t…”

I can’t hold the tears back much longer, so I quickly get out of bed and start finding my clothes.

I’ll be damned if I let him see me cry over him.

What else do you have to do for a man to get him to love you? How can he…how did I miss this?

Why can’t I find my damn clothes?

“You’re ridiculous. I can’t believe I fell for your bullshit.”

“Lena, come on.” He jumps up quickly and reaches for me. He’s standing just inches behind me, his hands on my hips as he tries to turn me into him.

“Nah, I’m not a fuck buddy.”

“Come on, why are you being like this?”

I want to scream at him. Punch him in the face. Kick him in the balls. The anger inside me is very close to coming out in a very unladylike way, and I don’t even care.

My heart is literally shattering into a bazillion pieces right now, and I’m trying my damnedest not to let this asshole see any of it.

“Why amIbeing like this? Are you kidding me?” I chuckle dryly as I shake my head. “We’ve been together every single day for the past two months. I’ve practically moved in with you. We go on dates constantly. And now, now you want to tell me that we’re nothing but fuck buddies? Screw. You. Gavin.”

“You’re overreacting.”

I gasp as I narrow my eyes at him.

Is he serious right now? I will claw his damn eyes out.

It’s like he’s begging to get smacked across the face.

“Are you fucking kidding me right now?” I hiss. “No, I’m not overreacting in the slightest. I’d say I’m underreacting, if anything. You’re either clueless or a bastard. I’m betting on the latter.”

“I can’t date my brother’s ex-girlfriend. He’s still in love with you.”