“No, I ran out of there and tried not to cry in front of him.” I laugh sarcastically as I shake my head.
“Did Aaron know?”
“Yeah, I told him before we became a couple again. You know, when he had convinced me that he had changed and Islowly realized he hadn’t. He knew that I loved him and had nothing but hatred for Gavin.”
But he made me pay for it constantly. The first time he cheated on me, he said it was because I fucked his brother while we were on a break, and now we were even.
“Did Henry know?”
“I don’t think so. Aaron could have told him, but neither of them said anything to me.”
“You were really good with him. I’ve known Gavin most of my life, and I’ve never seen anyone be able to talk him down like that.”
“It’s a curse.”
“I hate to drop this on you, especially now, but we’re coming up on the two-year anniversary…”
“You think that I don’t know that?” I snap. “Shit, I’m sorry, Mike.”
He gestures to let me know it’s okay before he continues. “A lot still needs to be done with Aaron’s estate.”
“No, there’s not. Henry told me he took care of all of that,” I say slowly.
Should I really be surprised that a Wells man told me one thing and did another?
“Henry did his best, but I was contacted this morning and told he didn’t finalize some things.”
I collapse into the chair and bury my face in my hands.
So much crap has come to light since Aaron’s death, and now I feel like I’m financially drowning. Things that I thought were paid off aren’t. He hid money from me. He had so many debts, and they were threatening to leverage our house, my car, to freeze bank accounts. How can the mayor of a town have that happen to her and come out on the good side of it all?
“I’ll figure it out. I always do,” I say as I stand and hug him. “Thanks.”
Idon’t want to deal with this today. I want to forget about everything right now.
“There’s more that we need to go over. But that’s for a different day. We can schedule a meeting for you to come in a few days from now. Also, Henry left letters for you, Jayla, and Gavin. Do you want me to deliver Gavin’s?”
“No, I have to run by the farm anyway. If he hasn’t skipped town already, I’ll leave it on the table for him.”
“Are you sure?”
No. No, I’m not.Part of me hopes that he’s long gone and that I never have to look at his gorgeous face again. And the rest of me wants him to kiss me again and never stop.
“Yeah, just know that I’ll be calling your wife soon to let her know it’s wine o’clock somewhere.”
“I already texted her as much,” he calls after me as I walk out of his office.
I half expected Gavin to be outside sitting by my car or something, but he’s not. I look down at the three letters in my hand.
Maybe I half hoped.
I’d give anything for him to come right back here, take me in his arms, and tell me that he doesn’t want to leave me ever again.
“I get why you did this, Henry, but…damn, I wish I was able to prepare a little better for it all,” I say out loud.
“Hey, Miss Mayor,” Hank says, walking out from behind my car.
I jump and put my hand out as if that will stop him. “Jesus, Hank. I didn’t see you there.”