When I pull into Lena’s driveway, Hank’s old truck is no longer there. I blow out a sigh of relief as I look aroundcautiously. I get out of the car and jog to the door, knocking quickly.
“It’s me,” I call out, just in case.
Jayla answers the door, giving me a quick hug immediately.
“What’s going on?” I ask.
Jayla steps back and lets me inside the house. Lena is leaning against the kitchen counter, holding a glass of wine, as she stares out the back door. I go to her, pulling her into my arms for a hug.
“Nothing is going on. Everything is fine,” Lena answers as she pulls away from me.
“Hank was here. His accent was gone. It was like a New York accent or something…but whatever it was, he kept telling Mom that they needed to talk.”
“Lena,” I say.
She shakes her head and rolls her eyes. “Jayla overreacted. It’s nothing.”
“She told him that she knew he bribed Grandpa.”
“Shit,” I reply as I pinch the bridge of my nose. “What did he say?”
“Nothing. I closed the door in his face. He was trying to give me his phone number.”
“He’s not safe, Lena. You did the right thing. I went to see him this morning, and I would guess that I spooked him, so he showed up here to scare you or something.”
“You went to see him?”
“Yeah. I didn’t tell him anything. I asked why Dad sold to him, but that’s about the extent of our conversation. I get a bad feeling from him.”
Lena’s eyes flit to Jayla and then back to me quickly.
Stop talking in front of Jayla. She doesn’t need to know any of this.
I nod, understanding what the look means.
“Why don’t we order pizza and watch movies?” I ask.
“You don’t have to stay, Gavin. We don’t need to be rescued,” Lena says sharply as she turns to pour herself more wine.
“I wasn’t trying to rescue you.”
“Uncle G, I have the perfect movie to watch,” Jayla interjects.
I watch Lena closely and see her hands shaking a little. I look back at my niece.
“What do you like on your pizza?”
“Pineapple,” Jayla replies.
I chuckle. “I bet that drove your dad nuts. It’s my favorite, too.”
“Can you order the deep dish and cheese sticks?” she asks.
“Yes, why don’t you get the movie ready, and I’ll step outside to order.”
She nods, her eyes flitting to her mom quickly before she turns around to go back into the living room. I move closer to Lena, putting my arms around her waist as I pull her into me. She stiffens and tries to move my hands away.
“I’m not going anywhere.”