I pick up the phone and dial Charlie, my friend who set up Aaron’s life insurance policy.
“Hey, Gavin, how’s it going?”
“Hey, Charlie, it’s good. I was wondering, do you remember setting up the life insurance policy for my brother?”
“Of course, I made sure it was paid out within a few months. Is something wrong?”
“Uh yeah, his wife never received the payment.”
“It’s been what two years, Gavin. Is this a joke?”
“No. It’s my fault because I didn’t think to check into it. His wife had no clue about it.”
“I don’t have my laptop with me, but as soon as I’m at the office in the morning, I’ll check into it. Nothing would have happened without paperwork being signed by his widow.”
“I’m aware.” I sigh. “Thanks, Charlie.”
I hang up the phone and let out a loud groan.
How in the hell is it saying that it was paid out to his wife, but Lena knows nothing about it? Did Dad steal it? Is that what he wants me to know?
Anger fills me as I think of all the possibilities. My dad wasn’t the type of man to steal, and I’m sure there’s a logical explanation.
I down the beer I’m drinking and walk back into Dad’s office. The internet isn’t great out here, but it’s good enough for me to do a little digging into things. I’ll look through the files he told me to as well.
Who needs sleep?
I walk into her kitchen the following morning to find her making coffee.
“Is that water with a splash of caffeine?” I tease, leaning against the counter as she glares at me over her shoulder.
“You just walk in like you own the place now?” she asks haughtily as she puts her hand on her hip. “Some of us don’t need to chug tar to function in the morning.”
She stirs the cup a little too vigorously. I chuckle, stepping closer and pulling the cup from her hands.
“That’s not coffee. Let me show you how it’s done.”
She smacks my hand away but can’t hide the faint smile tugging at her lips.
“I don’t need lessons from a caffeine addict, thanks. What are you doing here anyway?”
“I have a meeting with Mike this morning. I thought I’d stop by to bring you and Jay breakfast. Maybe drive her to school in the Masi before I send it back to the car rental place.”
“She’s already left. She had a student council meeting this morning. The Maserati isn’t yours?”
“No, I flew into the airstrip. Well then, I guess I got too much food for the two of us.”
Her eyes flash in surprise as she shakes her head and smiles back at me.
“Thanks for this,” she says softly. “I didn’t feel like cooking. It’s like you read my mind.”
“Pancakes with extra syrup,” I tell her.
“You always know.”
I don’t miss the sadness in her eyes as she says that so quietly. I want to reach out to her, pull her into my arms, and hold her, but I don’t. It hurts my heart to see her sad, and I know that eventually, I’m going to have to hurt her worse.
I barely slept last night as I dug into my dad’s financial paperwork and the evidence he found on my brother. I don’tknow how to tell Lena any of it. It’s why I’m heading in to see Mike.