Okay. “How about if I let you go down on me? Have you done that before?”
This time he answers me with a very throaty, “No.”
“Do you want to?”
When Luca stays silent, I cover my renewed rejection with a casual shrug as I start to get up from the couch. “If you change your mind, you know where to find me.”
I’ve taken two steps before he says, “Yes.”
I spin around to look at him. “Yes, you know where to find me?”
He shakes head. “I mean, yes, I want to know what you taste like.”
Okay, then.
Idon’t want to give Luca any time to overthink and change his mind.
Now, if he revokes consent at any point? He wants to stop? We stop. But if the only thing stopping him from getting me off is the voices in his head telling a twenty-seven-year-old man that sex is dirty and bad and wrong, then fuck that. I want him. He seems to want me.
Let’s go.
As uncomfortable as the cot is, it’s wider than the couch. I want to be able to stretch out and not have to worry about rolling off if we get too into it. Once I point that out, Luca agrees, and the two of us head down to the basement together.
To be fair, I could snap a collar around his neck, lead him on a leash, and he’d follow me wherever I wanted him to go. The idea that I’m willing to let him eat me out has him nearly tripping over his feet on the way down, he’s that eager. Me? I’m so wet, I’m surprised I’m not squelching as my thighs rub together on the way down.
Once we’re there, I start shimmying off my leggings. I stopped wearing boots around the cabin because it helped Luca realize that I’m not about to run out into the snow in my sock-covered feet. I see another perk in that I don’t have to waste any time, unlacing my boots and shucking them. Oh, no. I just kicked off my leggings, sending them flying while I reach for my panties.
They’re the next to go, and as Luca watches my frantic motions with lust mingled with desire, I hop on one foot, then the other, until I’m completely naked from the waist down.
I jump on top of the bed, landing on my knees in my haste and my excitement. Flipping to my back, I scoot my bare ass against the rumpled sheet until I’m up against the headboard. I wrap my hands around two of the bars to give me something to hold onto.
Then, angling my body so that I’m in a comfortable position, I spread my legs wide open and tell Luca, “Whenever you’re ready, ace.”
His tongue darts out, swiping over the corner of his mouth. His eyes are locked on my open legs.
On my pussy.
He breathes in deep. “I’ve never seen one open like that in the flesh before.”
“You sure you can handle me?” I ask. I mean for it to be more a seductive tease, but my voice cracks just enough to be noticeable.
“Here’s something else you can learn about me,” Luca tells me, taking one step toward me, then another. “I’m a very fast learner. I was homeschooled. They didn’t teach me shit about the real world. I’ve had to learn it on my own. Books help. Going online helps. Videos… I’m a very visual learner.” The bed dips as he presses one knee to the mattress. “And I’ve watched a ton of porn.”
I giggle. “I’m sure your prophet wouldn’t be happy hearing that.”
“Probably not. He might not even know what porn is. We didn’t have computers in Donovan. I had to make up for a lot of lost time.” He grabs my ankle, moving me slightly so that he can fit his body between my legs. “So I might not have done this before, but I’m a pro at watching other guys do it.”
Using my other foot, I nudge him in the shoulder. “Just so you know, real life’s not like porn. Even if I gave a shit about shaving, there’s no razor here. I’ve got a bush.”
His eyes light up. “I know.”
“And some guys think it’s unpleasant.”