He chokes. “You did that?”
“Sure did. Made sure to mention that anyone who already left that hellhole was off-limits, too. Especially you, ace.” I poke him in the chest. “Said the same thing to Emily. I killed her husband. Told her to find a new one, but she needed to stay away frommine.”
Luca winces at the mention of Emily, but his eyes are searching my face for some sign that I’m screwing with him by the time I’m done claiming him.
“You called me your husband?” he says softly.
I plan to make him my husband, too.
But, first?—
Reaching into my pocket, I pull out one back box, give it a shake, then shove it back into the pocket. “Hang on. Wrong box.” Dipping into the other pocket, I find the larger black box. “Ah. Here it is.” I toss it to Luca. “Something else for you, ace.”
“What is it?”
“Open it. You’ll see.”
He flips the lid, then pulls out the silver chain. Hanging off the end of it is a key completely different from the one he has on. It reminds me of the cheap, little metal key I got with this teen diary I bought from the dollar store a million years ago, only a little thicker.
He holds it up, a question written in every line of his face.
“I could say some sappy shit, like it’s the key to my heart. That’s not my style. I love you. Ipickedyou. I’ll hunt you down if you try to leave me… and if you don’t know that means you own every part of my twisted soul, then I don’t know what to tell you. I could’ve killed you in five different ways before you even lied to me about your name, but I didn’t, andIshould’ve known then that I was in over my head. It is what it is, and that means you’re mine.” I raise my eyebrows. “Right?”
His smile forms, a little goofy, and,fuck, I love it. “Right.”
Good. “Anyway… I know that key you wear means a lot to you. Now that we have the cross, I don’t see why you need to wear it anymore, so I got you a replacement.
“It goes to a safe deposit box. Since it looks like we’re sticking around in Springfield, I got one at the First Bank off Willow Ave. You’re not flashy enough to walk around with a six-inch diamond encrusted cross. With that devil on your arm, someone would have to be an idiot to try to rob you. But, way I figure it, you got used to wearing a key, and I’d rather it be one I gave you.”
“Kylie… I don’t know what to say.”
I meet his gaze, too cocky to allow myself to be rejected. “Then don’t say anything. But, if you would, swap it for the old one.”
Luca doesn’t even reach up to unclasp the chain he’s worn these last five years. Without breaking our stare, he grabs the chain. With a twist, it’s broken. The useless key to an altar states away skitters to the ground as he gently places the new chain with safe deposit key around his neck.
Once he has, I decide to go full hog. I might have said that I’m not about to say anything all that sappy, but I did. It was sappy and it was possessive, and it was perfect for that I’m about to do now.
I know which pocket has the other box. I grab it, and with a wink, I toss that one at Luca next.
“Another gift?”
Luca starts to tug on the top.
“Don’t open it yet,” I tell him.
He lets the lid close with a softsnap.
“Put it in your pocket.” I wait until he does, then I add, “Listen. I’m gonna fuck you one day. For real. The way you count it as fucking. See, now, that means I gotta marry you, ace. But just so that you don’t think I’m that fucked-up I’ll promise you forever just to get laid, that’s the ring I want.”
He pats his pocket. “You bought yourself an engagement ring?”
I shrug. “I know what I like. And I like you.”
Luca lifts his hand, cupping my cheek. “No. You love me. And I’ve never wanted a woman like I want you. I don’t just mean sex, either. I wantyou. You’re the most interesting girl I’ve ever met. You want to get on one knee? I’ll do it right now.”
I plant my hand on his chest. “Surprise me. When you’re ready… when you realize that I’m the type of woman who onlycommits once, and I fucking mean it when I say until death do us part… ask me then. I’m not in any rush. I’m not going anywhere, ace.” Going up on my tiptoes, I press my lips against his.
And then I smile.