Page 43 of Ride with the Devil

My legs shaky, my lower gut tight and achy from unfulfilled need, I push myself up and off of the bed.

As soon as I’m standing, Luca drops down on the bed himself, flat on his back. “Okay. I’m ready. Sit on me.”


“Are you kidding? You want to suffocate, ace?”

“I can’t think of a better way to go,” he says earnestly, tapping his shoulders. “But if I’m only going to experience this once, I’m going to make this something for both of us to remember. Put your knees there. I want you full pussy on my face.”

I don’t know why he thinks this is a one-and-done. For as long as we’re here, I don’t see why we can’t do this again and again and?—

I must’ve reacted too slowly for him. Before I know it, he’s sitting up, grabbing my hand, tugging me back onto the bed. Once I’m there, he shifts his hold, hefting me up by the waist, and dropping me right on top of his face like he wanted.

In this position, Luca almost instantly finds my entrance and, I don’t know how he manages it, but he curls his tongue and basicallyfucksme with it.

I don’t have to worry about him suffocating after all. He just uses his tongue, so his nose is clear to breathe anyway, until I’m squealing his name, writhing on his face, wringing every last bit of my orgasm out.

Only then, when I’m limp and sated, well-pleasured and inexplicably content, do I make sure that Luca is doing okay.

His lips are shiny with my juices. They glisten beneath the dim light in the basement as I slide down his chest so that I can face him.

Curving his arm around me, keeping me connected to him as he pushes himself up into a seated position, Luca tugs me onto his lap.

There’s no escape—and, like always, nowhere I want to run to anyway.

He presses a sweet kiss to my cheek. “Thank you,” he whispers husky against my sweat-slicked skin.

No, Luca. Thankyou.

He looks dazed. Almost as though he gotmoreenjoyment than I did. As if kissing my pussy is all he’s ever wanted to do…

He kissed my pussy. My cheek, too.

Laying my hand on his, I close the gap between us, pressing my lips to his.

I immediately taste myself on his mouth. I could give a fuck. Right now, all I want to do is find some intimacy with Luca, and since he’s not ready for what I want, I give him what I need.

I kiss him.

His kiss is as charmingly awkward as it is eager, and that makes it even more special when it’s done.

I hear his swallow in the sudden quiet before he whispers, “You didn’t have to do that.”

Right. Like he didn’t have to make me go off like a rocket, right?

I curl myself up on his chest. I can’t help it. I’ve always been my most vulnerable after sex. That’s why I’ve stuck with one-night-stands lately. There’s nothing but raw attraction—or even just basic lust—when I pick out a guy, fuck him senseless, and then go on my way. Things get iffy when emotions are involved.

And, somehow, some way, emotions have gotten involved with Luca.

“There’s something about you, ace…”

His arms wrap around me. I notice he was hesitant at first, but when I laid my head against him, he completes the circle.

I can’t see his face. That makes it so much easier to tell him things I wouldn’t have if that hadn’t just happened. “I know you can’t help but wonder why I’m okay staying here. The truth is, I’ve been bouncing from place to place for years now. For work… to get away from my family’s expectations for me… I’ve just been gone. But now… yYou make me want to settle down.”

There. I’m attracted to Luca. I wish it was just sex, but it’s never been just sex with him. It’s the way he takes care of me, no matter why he does. It’s how good he seems, and how his biggest rebellion against a fucked-up childhood is getting a tattoo and breaking archaic church doctrine.

“I should hate you for it,” I murmur. “I should hate you for keeping me here, but I think we both know I could leave anytime I want. Sure, Devil would shoot me?—”