Page 30 of Ride with the Devil

He doesn’t believe me. “Fine. Then tell me you what you saw last night.”

I could say nothing. That’s what he wants to hear. That I’ll go along with what his boss wants and pretend I was momentarily struck dumb and blind.

But then this would be over before I had any real fun with Luca, and after the way he just looked at me? That would be ashameshame.

So, with the most innocent expression I can muster, I tell him, “I saw a man coming around the corner after three shotsrang out. Your boss. The Devil of Springfield. He mentioned a corpse so he must’ve killed a guy.”

Luca shakes his head. “I’ll come back later with dinner. Just… just behave, okay?”

I’ll try.

And, okay, that’s a lie because he doesn’t even make it halfway up the stairs before I call out again, “Don’t forget to lock the door, ace.”




Idon’t know how I made it upstairs with the lead pipe in my pants.

Ever since I accepted that I would be stuck in close quarters with the most tempting woman I’ve ever seen in my whole fucking life, I’ve warned my cock to behave. I’m no rapist. There’s no way she can consent under these conditions. If anything, she’s using the one advantage she has: her body, and my obvious attraction to it.


Fuck me. I shouldn’t have looked. When she dared me by telling me she was about to drop her towel, I should have taken her at her word and realized that she—she,because in spite of everything she told me… that I want to believe is true… I still don’t know her name—would do it. That she wasn’t bluffing.

Because she wasn’t.

I’ve seen tits. Touched them, too. Just because I’ve never stuck my dick inside of welcoming pussy, that doesn’t mean I’ve cut myself off from women. Not completely, at least. Considering the amount of porn I watch when I’m off duty, I’veseen all types of tits. Real ones. Fake ones. Perky ones. Saggy ones.

Hers are fuckingperfect.

I looked longer than I should have. They’re the right size for me, each one looking like they nestle against my palms. Her nipples are a dusky brown color, hard and poking out due to the chill in the basement. My mouth watered to taste them, and I forced myself to swallow roughly before she noticed how I was panting like a damn dog.

Is she messing with me? Definitely. I’m starting to get an idea of what to expect from my too-willing captive. It’s like shewantsto stay. I can’t deny that she’s obviously hitting on me now, though if it’s to save her skin, I get it. When I’m the only one keeping her safe from the boss, it’s no wonder that I’ll start to look pretty good. She might even be biding her time, hoping that I’ll form a bond with her, making it easy for me to lower my guard and help her escape.

But if that’s the case… why does she keep reminding me to lock her down? Because she wants me to stay away, or because she’s trying to see if Iwill?

I don’t know. I don’t know anything?—

—except she’s single, and I kind of wish I didn’t know that. Not when I’m already more drawn to her than I have any right to be.

That’s why, instead of running to the bathroom and giving in to that attraction, I pointedly ignore it as I pull my phone out of my pocket.

The service up here is better than I expected. That I don’t have any missed calls or messages since the last time I checked isn’t a surprise. I’m a quiet guy. I keep to myself. Unlike some of the other Sinners, I don’t go to the Playground to party or to show off my devil tat. I’m either driving the Devil of Springfieldaround, or I’m working on my Ford Mustang rebuild. All of my calls involve Sinners biz.

Devil knows I’m up here. He won’t be messaging me his location anytime soon, and though he promised to check in and see how it’s going, he’s a very busy man with a family he worships. If I hear from him by the end of the weekend, that’ll be more like the boss.

I won’t just reach out to him, either. Even though I have more access to the boss than the other Sinners on my level, I know better than to just call him up and bother him.

But there is someone Icancall.

With Genevieve practicing for her upcoming performances, Cross will be more available than usual. At this hour, he’s probably sitting in his tattoo shop, unless Devil needs him. Hoping that he’s free and not in the middle of holding his needle, I call him.

He answers almost right away.

“Luca, hey. I was wondering if I’d hear from you. I talked to Devil earlier. He said I might. How did the meet with the vice mayor go? Rolls was unusually tight-lipped when I asked him.”